COVID-19: Corp member donates face masks to Sokoto correspondent chapel

A serving Youth Corp member in Sokoto,  Miss Faith Okiemute, has donated facemasks to members of the correspondent chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalist (NUJ)  to support them discharge their duty effectively.

Speaking while presenting the face masks to the members at their Dogon Daji house office, the NYSC state coordinator, Philip Enatonme Enabuere,  said the gesture was to mitigate the spread of the virus among journalists who are in front line reporting the pandemic.

Enaburue who was represented by assistant director, Dr. Samuel Okorocha, said NYSC and correspondent chapel are partners in progress, adding that he was impressed the way the chapel reported the activities of the corps.

The coordinator said the face masks were produced by a Corp member, Umukoro Faith Okiemute, with the Ministry of Environment, Sokoto, as part of her contribution to fighting the spread of coronavirus pandemic.

On her part, the donor, Miss Faith Okiemute, said she has been donating the face masks to organisations, agencies and ministries as part of her contribution to curb the spread of the deadly virus, saying journalists who are in front line of campaign against the spread of the virus need to benefit from the gesture.

Speaking on behalf of the chairman of chapel, Malam Habibu Harisu , the secretary, Mr. Ankeli Emmanuel, commended the NYSC for the gesture.

Malam Harisu also called on other agencies saying nothing is too little to contribute at these trying times.