Court dismisses el-Rufai’s defamation suit against Shehu Sani  


A Kaduna High Court has dismissed a libel and defamation suit filed by the former Kaduna state governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, against former Senator Shehu Sani representing Kaduna Central senatorial district.

While delivering his judgment on Thursday, the trial judge, Justice HAL Balogun dismissed el-Rufai’s suit filed on the ground that it was an abuse of court process.

The judgment was predicated on the fact that the plaintiff filed several suits over same cause of action before several courts in Kaduna state.

The defence counsel, Barr. Kimi Livingstone Appah, had initially filed a notice of preliminary objection to challenge the jurisdiction of the court to entertain the suit on the ground that the same case was filed in four different courts in the state.

Addressing journalists after the ruling, the he described the ruling as a victory for democracy and freedom of expression.

It would be recalled that El-Rufai had in 2018 filed a N2 billion suit against Shehu Sani. He sought reliefs for alleged injuries suffered as a result of “statements” made by Sani.

El-Rufai said Sani defamed him by referring to him as a “drunk, loose cannon and an embarrassment to President Muhammadu Buhari.

The two politicians have over the years been involved in a series of altercations based on their political differences.