Corps member provides solar energy, other facilities for Ebonyi school

A corps member in Ebonyi state, Abudu Tajudeen David, has donated a 10KVA solar inverter to students and staff of Girls High School, Azuiyiokwu, Abakaliki, the state capital, as part of his community development projects.

David also carried out the repair of the institution’s solar panels, fixed about 30 computer sets and provided tables and chairs for the elated students of the all-girls secondary school.

Speaking during the commissioning of the community development projects, Thursday, Governor Francis Nwifuru, represented by the Commissioner for Power, Dr Peter Oge Ali, commended David for his thoughtfulness in providing power to students through the repair of the solar panels, expressing optimism that, with the fixing of the bad computers, students would benefit immensely from the efforts of the corps member.

On his part, the Commissioner for Power, Dr Peter Oge Ali, who was represented by the Public Relations Officer of the ministry, Mr Sunday Agara, enjoined other corps members to emulate David, adding that his efforts had justified the reason for the establishment of the scheme by the federal government.

Commissioning the projects, the State NYSC Coordinator, Mrs Oladeinde Folake, explained that community development was one of the four cardinal schemes of the NYSC aimed at getting corps members to initiate and execute community development projects that would impact the societies where they serve.

The state coordinator, represented by the Assistant Director in charge of Community Service, Mrs Ngozi Achuma, said that the efforts of David were exceptional because he did not only repair broken down computers, he also provided solar energy to enable the students put the computers to use.

Also speaking, the corps member, Abudu Tajudeen David, who hails from Ondo State, thanked those who assisted him in the project, expressing optimism that what he has done would go a long way in promoting teaching and learning in the school, even as he said organisations like Mrs Enene Akonjom Foundation, Abakaliki Golf Club, Abakaliki Timber Shade Association, among others, assisted him in the project.