Cod Liver Oil for kids: Benefits, side effects and how to give (2)

Cod Liver Oil for kids: Benefits, side effects and how to give (2)

  1. High amounts of Vitamin D The substantial amounts of vitamin D in this oil may sometimes lead to various complications such as rapid heartbeat, dry skin, dry mouth, lack of urination etc.

    3. May Cause Gastric Disturbance Taking this oil supplement may sometimes lead to heartburn, nausea, stomach ache, bloating etc.

    4. Weird Aftertaste It has got a very peculiar taste and most children do not like it.

    It may leave a very weird aftertaste that may make your kid feel like vomiting.

    5. It Has Anticoagulant Properties This oil contains anticoagulant or blood-thinning properties, and it may cause the risk of bleeding.

    6. Mercury Contamination There is a risk of mercury contamination by giving this supplement to your kid.

    Therefore, before you opt for giving this supplement to your kid, you should discuss all the pros and cons with your doctor.

    How to Give Cod Liver Oil to A Child As discussed in the above-section that cod liver oil has a very strong and peculiar aftertaste that your kid may not like, therefore you may administer this oil in the following ways to your kid.


    Giving Cod Liver Oil to a Baby Here are some ways of giving cod liver oil to babies: • You may take the required dosage of any cod liver oil such as seven seas cod liver oil for babies, in a syringe and pour the oil at the back of the mouth of your baby.

    This way your baby may not get the bad aftertaste because there are fewer taste buds at the back of the mouth.

    • Alternatively, you may mix the oil in the expressed breast milk or formula milk and give it to your baby.

    • You may use cod liver oil for baby massage 2.

    Giving Cod Liver Oil to Older Children Here are some ways you can give cod liver oil to your older children: • If your child can take capsules, you may give him the capsules.

    • You may try chewable cod liver oil capsules for kids.

    • You may mix in some fruit juice or smoothie.

    • You may blend it in some maple syrup or honey.

    • Word of Caution There are many upsides for cod liver oil for babies and kids.

    However, you should refrain from giving this oil supplement without the prescription of your doctor.

    This is because this oil contains high amounts of vitamin A and D, which may lead to various health complications in babies and children.

    Therefore, you should only give this supplement to your kid when your doctor feels that your kid requires it Whether it is fermented cod liver oil or any other kind of cod liver oil that you wish to give to your kid, we recommend that you take your doctor’s permission before doing so.


HIV is not your friend: Stop playing with it!-by Dr.

Biodun Ogungbo

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus.

The virus can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the last stage of HIV infection, if not treated.

Unlike some other viruses, the human body can’t get rid of HIV completely, even after treatment.

So, once you get HIV, you have it for life.

HIV is not your friend.

Stop playing games that lead to exposure to HIV and a high risk of developing AIDS.

Now, there is no effective cure for HIV and it doesn’t leave the body.

This should be repeated: No effective cure currently exists for HIV.

But with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled.

Treatment for HIV is called antiretroviral therapy or ART.

If taken as prescribed, ART can dramatically prolong the lives of many people infected with HIV, keep them healthy, and greatly lower their chance of infecting others.

Before the introduction of ART in the mid-1990s, people with HIV could progress to AIDS (the last stage of HIV infection) in a few years.

Today, someone diagnosed with HIV and treated before the disease is far advanced can live nearly as long as someone who does not have HIV.

HIV is not your friend and it attacks the body’s immune system, specifically the CD4 cells.

These special cells help the immune system fight off infections.

Untreated, HIV reduces the number of CD4 cells in the body.

This damage to the immune system makes it harder and harder for the body to fight off infections and some other diseases.

This is the real issue with HIV.

It reduces the body’s ability to fight infections and so leads to recurrent infections especially with other viruses and fungal infections.

A person is more likely to get these or infection-related cancers.

These opportunistic infections or cancers take advantage of a very weak immune system and signal that the person has AIDS.

These overwhelming infections can lead to death.

How HIV Is Transmitted HIV is not your friend and you can catch HIV by playing with someone with the disease.

HIV appears in their body fluids such as blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.

These fluids must come in contact with a mucous membrane(found inside the rectum, vagina, penis, and mouth) or damaged tissue or be directly injected into the bloodstream (from a needle or syringe) for transmission to occur.

What can increase HIV risk? Many factors can increase someone’s chance of getting or transmitting HIV.

The commonest way of getting HIV is by having sex with someone who already has the disease.

Using drugs and alcohol, relationships with multiple sexual partners can also increase the chance of an HIV exposure.

Drug abusers using the same needles for their habit also face a real risk of catching the disease.

Blood transfusions using infected blood is a rare possibility these days as bloods are routinely screened.

Doctors and nurses, including theatre staff have increased risk of contracting HIV when they operate on infected patients.

How do I know if I have HIV? The only way to know for sure whether you have HIV is to get tested.

Knowing your HIV status gives you powerful information to help you take steps to keep you and your partner healthy.

There are many types of tests available today, and some can detect HIV sooner than others.If you test positive, you can take medicine to treat HIV to stay healthy for many years and greatly reduce the chance of transmitting HIV to your sex partner.

If you test negative, you must do your best to prevent HIV.

What can decrease HIV risk? Many factors can decrease someone’s chance of getting or transmitting HIV.

Abstinence is the best way to prevent getting HIV from a sex partner.

For people who are sexually active, you must shine your eyes and be careful in your choice of a partner.

Reducing the number of partners you have can lower the chances that you will have a sex partner who will transmit HIV to you.

Do not assume, find out the HIV status of your partner.Ensure they are not involved with multiple partners which will expose you.

Accurate information is important.

Remember your partner may not know their HIV status, or is unable to tell you this information.

Choosing less risky sexual behaviors, taking medicines to prevent and treat HIV, or using condoms with lubricants are all highly effective ways to reduce the risk of getting or transmitting HIV.

Additionally, men who are not circumcised have a higher chance of getting HIV from having vaginal sex.

HIV is not your friend.

Stop playing games that lead to exposure to HIV and a high risk of developing AIDS.

NB: Information was obtained and modified from an online journal

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