Club Owners hold emergency meeting

The Association of Premier League Club chairmen and managers (Club Owners) last night held an emergency meeting of the association to discuss the current state of football in Nigeria.
The meeting started very late into the night and went on until the wee hours of this morning, Blueprint Sport can authoritatively report.
Nigeria’s football has stalled as a result of the ban by FIFA on the grounds of alleged interference from government, following the surprise removal of the Aminu Maigari-led board of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF).
According to a statement issued by the acting secretary of the Club Owners, Alloy Chukwuemeka, and made available to sportswriters yesterday, top on the agenda of the meeting is the commencement of the second round of the Glo Premier League in the aftermath of the World Cup break.
The statement added that the association will also assess the current situation in Nigerian football with a view to understanding it as responsible, responsive, and relevant stakeholders cum pressure group in football management and administration.