Clerics others appeal for diplomatic intervention to free Pastor Egbaji from detention in Benin Republic

Leadwell Africa Global Initiative in Collaboration with the Nigeria Clerics Council of Bishops and Imams have appealed for Presidential and Diplomatic intervention by the Government of the Republic of Benin to set Pastor Benjamin Egbaji free to attend to his failing health.

Thy said the pastor who has been detained for nearly a year is facing critical health challenges and if the Nigerian government does not take proactive steps he may die in detention.

The Convener of the group, Archbishop Dr. Bony L Sunny, during a protest rally at the Embassy of Republic of Benin in Abuja, urged the President of the Republic of Benin Porto Novo to give Pastor Benjamin Egbaji a fair hearing and fair trial on the complaint against him by the Benin Republic Authorities.

He said his business associates and partners who are defendants in a
subsisting suit/case instituted by Mr. Benjamin Egbaji should be cause to face their own trial.

They said Egbaji is under threat and danger due to the action of his former business associates and partners.

“We write you this letter of appeal on behalf of one of our Nigerian brother in the Lord who is also working in the Lord’s vineyard in your country that has been arrested and prosecuted maliciously and has also been in detention for over a year in your country by name Pastor Emmanuel Egbaji.

” Pastor Benjamin Egbaji is a Nigeria Citizen who is an entrepreneur and Pastor carrying out lawful businesses in the area of Real Estate Commerce and Pastoral Ministry in Benin Republic.

“That, through the Mercy and favour of God AImighty the said Mr. Benjamin Egbaji has prospered and become wealthy through his lawful transactions in the aforementioned business.

“That, in the course of time, some of his associates and business partners who are citizens of Benin Republic became jealous and envious of his progress in pastorial ministry/business and embarked on the unlawful act of blackmail, Intimidation and False accusation of rape to run him down and his business in Benin Republic.

“That, he took legal step to report the unlawful act of the said business
associates and partners in persons of PEDE Victoire, IDOHOU Nello, HOUESSOU Cedric to the police authority in Abonmey-Calavi le on 16th of December, 2021 and made a formal complaint of blackmail, intimidation and defamation of character against them.

“That, the said matter was charged to tribunal De premier instance Abomey Calavi where he was the plaintiff to the said matter.

“That, in order to frustrate the prosecution or the trial of the defendants of the instance case, on the 17th date of May, 2023 he was arrested by Benin
Republic police authority over false allegation of rape filed by defendants of the aforementioned case in the court room before the judge during the court proceeding and taken to another court at court (CRIET) COUR De
Repression Des Infraction Economique Et Du Terrorisme and later remanded in prison custody.

” That, since then he has been held in prison custody for 12 months without trial which has caused him ill health and his health condition has continued to deteriorate everyday to the extent that his blood pressure has raised between 202/138 and 206/128 which is very dangerous for his survival if he remains in prison.

“That, the medical doctor attending to him said, such health condition can cause either stroke or heart attack if not treated urgently and properly.

“That, all efforts to secure him on bail on medical grounds, ill health or on compassionate grounds to enable him to travel out of Benin Republic to a country with a better health facility for treatment has proved abortive,” he said.