Chrisland schools: Popular Nigerian dancer Kaffy reacts to Whitney Adeniran’s death, withdraws child from school

Popular Nigerian dancer, Kafayat Oluwatoyin Shafau, aka Kaffy, has announced she is withdrawing her daughter from Chrisland High School following the death of 12-year-old student, Whitney Adeniran.

Reacting in a live video on Monday night, Kaffy said negative reports trailing the school were becoming one too many.

She said, “I had to make this video. As a mother and a parent, I don’t think anybody in this life would ever pray to lose a child. It’s inconsolable. It’s a grief you carry forever like there’s nothing that can replace it.

“I’m speaking out, not just because I’m in solidarity with Whitney’s mom but because my children go there.

“This is a school that I used to be so proud of. And I thrived to put my children there because I believed in the system. In the ’80s, the foundation on which Chrisland was built, this is not it. This is one too many and negligence is a consistent situation. And not just negligence but the aftermath of it that kills me.

“I don’t know all the facts but from what I’ve heard from the mother and from….like common! It’s a whole child, a whole human being! The entire school is supposed to be shut down for like

“As I feel right now, my child is not going back to that school. I’ve thought about it in my head as a parent, looking like, okay, my daughter is there. And they’re just having half term, what do I do? Do I allow her to finish full term then, pull her out of school?

“I’m thinking because I’ve paid already, does the school do homeschooling for her till I find another school? Because definitely, my child is going to have to leave Chrisland because I can’t.

“It’s becoming a consistent pattern where systems are not properly put in place. It now looks as if we now need to sacrifice our children before a system needs to be checked.

“So before molestation is checked, a child has to be molested. Before safety is checked, a child has to die. So before maybe bus is checked now, the bus needs to turn over, God forbid!

“But as it is right now with the school system, we need a major fatal situation to happen before requirements are met.

“And not because accidents cannot happen but it’s even what the school does during and after.”