Chibuzor Obi opposition to students’ loan scheme political – Group raises alarm

A group, Concerned Nigerian Students on Thursday raised alarm over purported recent outburst of Pedro Chibuzor Obi on the students loan scheme of the President Bola Tinubu administration

The group in a statement signed by its Convener, Bello Abdulsalam alleged that Obi purported outburst on the loan scheme is more political than activism.

The group stressed that  “Pedro Chibuzor Obi and his foot soldiers have vehemently criticized the students loan scheme introduced by President Tinubu and condemned it in all its entirety and launched a media war on the scheme, simply because it’s coming from the stable of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu” .

The group alleged further that what Obi, ” is out to do is to disrupt President Tinubu’s administration at all cost” adding that he must be tamed and cut to size before he grows out of control.

“His support for the PDP is beyond that of an onlooker or a mere sympathizer. He is a major stakeholder in the party. This is the reason behind his appointment as the Special Assistant on Students Affairs to the then Delta State Governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, where he served for years and participated actively in all the activities of the party both within the state and beyond”, it said.

The group added,” Fast forward to December, 2023 when the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) conducted their elections, Pedro Chibuzor Obi contested and was allegedly morally and financially sponsored by Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Dr. Okowa and other PDP bigwigs with the sole aim of using him to disrupt President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration and promote a come -back for PDP at the national level if he eventually wins”

 ” The Nigerian Students caught wind of this and decided to vote in someone else as their National President. This was the beginning of the pains and frustrations of Pedro Obi and his fellow PDP members”.

The group claimed further that ” Their alleged sponsors brought them together and financially empowered them to run a factional unit to truncate the effort of the duly-elected NANS National President, Comr. Lucky Emonefe, GCNS”.

“They began to impersonate the NANS duly elected President, Comrade Lucky Emonefe from one office to another and from one campus to the other to the point that they went to disrupt and attack students in Jos because the legitimate NANS President was invited to grace the inauguration of the NANS Zone C Executive Council Members.