Centre hails 10th House of Reps for innovation in appropriations

The Centre for International and Strategy has commended the 10th House of Representatives for its people-oriented approach, transparency and inclusivity, especially in the area of appropriations.

The Country Representative of the centre, Professor Ifure A. Ifure, made this known in his appraisal of the Green Chamber.

He said in a press release that the 10th House has revolutionised the budgetary process with fresh ideas and innovations, replacing the traditional closed-door approach.

The academic noted that under Hon. Kabir Bichi as chairman, the Appropriations Committee has created a model that ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, effectively, and with the utmost transparency.

He added that Bichi and his team have successfully implemented a cutting-edge system that harnesses the power of technology and data analytics to optimise resource allocation.

Prof. Ifure said these days, budget proposals before the House are subjected to public debate, inputs, and suggestions from members of the public.

“As I sit in my office, surrounded by the trappings of a lifetime of service to our great nation, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude. Today, I have the privilege of acknowledging a truly remarkable achievement, one that will go down in history as a testament to the power of innovation and leadership,” he said.