Cameron, don’t bomb Syria

Any bombings of Syria will breed more enemies for the West.
David Cameron thinks anyone who opposing his bombings of Syria is terrorist sympathiser. I think he is barking mad, what do you think?

It sounds all too familiar to me! Do you remember what Bush said when he and his poodle Blair attacked Afghanistan and Iraq? He said, “you are either with us or against us”. The consequence of those words and subsequent policies have been devastating and colossally destructive – the entire Middle East has been in turmoil with millions dead, millions homeless and destitute sowing the seed of hatred, revenge and retribution. We now see the proliferation of extremism and terrorism around the world as direct consequence.

Even Barack Obama has placed the blame for the swift rise of Isis at George W. Bush’s feet by suggesting its growth was an unintended consequence of the US invasion of Iraq. The irony is the same foolish and unethical foreign policies in the Middle East would provide the perfect rationale for generations of people to continue hating the West. It seems like Obama or Cameron have learned very little from Bush’s mistakes!
Cameron’s words would have deeper consequences. I know millions of people who are opposed to David Cameron’s adhoc bombing spree in Syria including many Tory members up and down the country. In fact I spoke to a very active Tory party activist this morning who was aghast at his party’s war mongering, unprincipled and greed driven policies.

This is a sad moment in our history that we have a Prime Minister who is more interested in making headlines than saving lives and establishing peace!
Cameron thinks if you don’t give him your blind support to his bombing campaign you have sympathy for the terrorists. I am finding it very difficult to understand the logic of his statement. I thought this is exactly what the terrorists from DAESH, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram say to everyone one who disagrees with them! The terrorists bomb indiscriminately and kill innocent people, our governments bombing would have the same conseqeunce. He wants to bomb a country without a real strategy, which will inevitably kill thousands of innocent Syrians caught up in this barbaric war.

He does not have a strategy on how to save lives or for what happens after the bombing.
Syrian airspace is awash with aircrafts bombing Syrian people to smithereens – Russian aircrafts bombing anybody who opposes the Syrian murderous regime, French bombing the DAESH terrorists in Raqqa, American bombing anyone who looks like a terrorist, Turkey bombing the Kurds and a few Arab despots joining in for fun, what is left for British to bomb?

What is most bizarre in all of these bloodhound like spineless and unprincipled war mongering world leaders is their inability to grasp the reality – only one person needs to be taken out of Syria to bring Syria back to the path of peace and stability yet thousands of innocent lives are being taken. Why? Why is the life Bashar Al-Asad so precious? The world leaders should have taken Bashar Al-Asad out four years ago when he ordered the slaughter of innocent people in Syria for opposing his tyranny. But the world dithered while the Syrian regime continued its killing spree.

Today, any bombings of Syria will breed more enemies for the West. For every innocent child, men and women lost in this war will give rise to thousands around the world who would hate and harbour a deep rooted disgust for the Western foreign policies. We would not be safer in the West at all, we will be the target of years of revenge and retribution, just like we are proposing to bomb DAESH to take revenge for the terrorist attack in Paris recently.

The cycle of violence and war can only be brought to an end when we remove injustices from the world. I am afraid neither David Cameron nor any of the other worlds leaders are really talking about this. They are only interested in appearing macho and strong, in only grabbing headlines and sustaining the greed driven status quo. It is a terrible shame that our world is going to get worse for the foreseeable future.
Let me remind you of what Bill Clinton once said, “we must teach our children to resolve their conflicts with words, not with weapons”. What’s happened to humanity that we can no longer resolve our conflicts with words?

Umayrah Edifier Cool,
Nigerian in
London, UK