Calling on the youth 

My fellow young people, it is time to come out of your long slumber and take an active role in politics in order to alter the narrative.

As everyone knows, Nigeria is a fortunate nation with the highest percentage of youth involvement in politics. Therefore, by fully engaging, we should make every effort to ensure that we maintain this.

Sadly, a large number of young people in the states continue to avoid politics. One method to ensure a vibrant citizenry and the development of a society is through youth participation in politics.

Joining political parties and running for offices as well as other elective positions during elections is the only way we can accomplish this.

Unfortunately, that is not the case since political gladiators take advantage of us to further their agenda and then discard us shortly after elections. Few of us are appointed to minor positions in government.

Politicians with ill intentions have long been enlisting young people to rig elections in order to further their own agenda. We are being forced to fight each other like thugs.

We commit a variety of crimes during elections, such as stealing ballot boxes, tampering with election results, and interfering with the electoral process.

Nigeria is our own. The future lies in our hands. No wonder the saying “Youths are the leaders of tomorrow”.

We have the power to rewrite history to fit our desires, and we must never forget that young people are the foundation of all societies. Let us defend and participate in politics to create a better future for future generations. We can advance Nigeria if we work together.

As a result, let us be honest with ourselves and act as both present-day ambassadors and future leaders.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Jaafar Muhammad Kumo,  

Federal University of Kashere, Gombe state.