Bye-election: EFCC arrests Bala’s aide in Bauchi

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Saturday arrested the special adviser to Bauchi state governor on civil service affairs Mr Abdon Dalla Gin shortly after casting his vote in Dass local government during the conduct of bye-election for finding money inside his car boot.

Blueprint gathered that the EFCC has allegedly found money in the vehicle belonging to the goveror’s aide and detained him at Dass divisional police station for hours before he was released.

In an interview with the commissioner of police of Bauchi state Lawal Tanko Jimeta who visited the local government area while the election was going on said he heard about the arrest made by an anti-graft body saying they have stake in the election.

“There is a report that somebody was arrested by either EFCC or ICPC but I am yet to confirm. What we have to know is that every security agency especially EFCC and ICPC if you read the electoral act, you will see their role”. He stated.

He added that the command has deployed over 600 police men to Dass local government to ensure that law and order is maintained through out the election.

The police boss however said that on their part, the police has not yet arrested anybody.

Also speaking, counsel to the governor’s aide who secured his bail Barrister Mukhtar Abubakar Othman said the money was found in the boot of Gin’s car.

He said his client was not sharing money when he was arrested adding that he has right as a citizen to move with money in either pocket or car as far as he was not sharing to voters.