Bye-election: 12 suspected cultists in police net

Barely 48 hours to the bye-election for Obudu State Constituency, the Cross River State Police Command has arrested 12 suspected cultists in Obudu local government area.
Parading the suspects in Calabar yesterday at the Force Headquarters, Mr.
Hafiz Inuwa, the State Commissioner of Police, said that the suspects were arrested for parading themselves in Obudu with the intention to disrupt the election process.
Inuwa said the suspects were arrested with dangerous weapons by men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad of the command.
“These hoodlums are cultists’, they were arrested irrespective of party affiliation because there were in Obudu to ferment trouble and case chaos in the area.
“From our investigation, the 12 of them are cultists. Two of them are very notorious cultists who have been on our wanted list.
“Mc-slow” is a very dreaded Viking member and Ubong is a dreaded skylo member.
“We knew that there were going to Obudu to commit crime because their voters’ registration centre is not in Obudu.
“There were arrested with three live cartridges; one revolver pistol and a locally made one.
They were ostensibly going to Obudu to commit crime.
“Any miscreant, political party or individuals with the intention of causing trouble to thwart the peaceful conduct of this election will be arrested and prosecuted’’, he warned. Further, he said that the command had earlier arrested 10 persons in Obudu who were also disrupting the peace of residents in that area ahead of the election.
The Commissioner said that the police would be on ground to create the peaceful and enabling environment for the electorate to come out en mass and casts their votes