Business Types Advert made easy and aff ordable irrespecƟ ve of your locaƟ ons and businesses. We can publicize them at cheaper highly subsidized rates.
The advert is for the following categories of small and medium business owners: Electrical/Electronics, fabrics, Jewries, ornaments, cosmeƟ cs, perfumes, rentals, fashion designers, gym, bouƟ ques, autodealers, building material dealers, medical equipment, educaƟ on insƟ tuƟ ons, book shops, auto spare parts, Bureau de Changes, Micro Finance banks, decor items dealers, Consultancy Services and others in such categories. Blueprint Newspapers will publish on Tuesdays and Thursdays such small and Medium Business adverts.
Book your adverts ahead of Ɵ me for maximum publicity. Sizes Rates 5 X 2 6,000 4 X 2 5,000 3 X 2 3,000 2 X 2 2,500 For bookings contact: Abuja- 08065985473, 08114011112 and 08025568561 Kano- 08060609393 Lagos- 08025685014 kaduna- 08069248980