BOSIEC commences sale of LG election forms 

The Borno State Independent Electoral Commission (BOSIEC) has commenced  the sale of nomination and interest forms for chairmanship and councillorshp election at the state secretariat in Maiduguri.

The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) state chairman, Hon Bello Ayuba called on all interested aspirants to obtain the forms and participate in the forthcoming local government elections. 

He also assured that the party is committed to ensuring a transparent, free and fair election.

The chairman who stated this Wednesday in his office also urged all the aspirants to conduct themselves properly and orderly during their electioneering and abide by the party’s rules and regulations. 

According to him, the sale of the forms will last for a week, after which the screening and clearance of aspirants will commence, saying the local government election is scheduled to take place in January 2024.

He added that the committee is also responsible for overseeing the sale of forms and ensuring that the process is transparent and fair.