Bora Bora is an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France in the Pacific Ocean. The island, located about 230 kilometres northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the centre of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano rising to two peaks, Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu, the highest point at 727 metres.
Bora Bora is a major international tourist destination, famous for its aqua-centric luxury resorts. The major settlement, Vaitape, is on the western side of the main island, opposite the main channel into the lagoon. Produce of the island is mostly limited to what can be obtained from the sea and the plentiful coconut trees, which were historically of economic importance for copra. According to a 2008 census, Bora Bora has a permanent population of 8,880.
Bora Bora has been named the most photogenic place on earth in a research conducted by Fujifilm and VeryFirstTo. The survey asked luxury launches website’s 59,000 members to nominate both the most and least photogenic places on earth.
The 701 respondents, who are predominantly wealthy, early adopters of luxury and avid travellers, identify: The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Bali and Rio de Janiero to round up the top five most photogenic places on earth. The research reveals Detroit as the least photogenic city and England as the least photogenic country with London, Milton Keynes and Luton all placed in the six least photogenic places. together with Fujifilm is now offering the ultimate never done before experience for travel and photography enthusiasts: “Capture the 10 Most Photographic Settings in One Trip.”
Bora Bora, French Polynesia, is known for its breathtaking natural beauty – it is the ideal picture of paradise. The lush greenery of the island is set within turquoise lagoons and crystal clear seas. The 15 square mile island is believed to be one of the most expensive places to visit in the world The island has enjoyed increased awareness since it was featured on “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.”
The dream photographers’ trip offered by VeryFirstTo allows couples to travel to 10 of the 12 most photogenic locations in the world. The £72,000 ($119,300/ €87,360) photographic pilgrimage takes in the natural aquatic beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, the snow-capped mountains of Nepal as well as the iconic Plain Of Temples in Bagan and Petra in Jordan. Purchasers of the trip will receive the newly launched X-T1, as well the XQ1, the XP70 and the X100s Fujifilm cameras to ensure participants are best equipped for the different conditions that will be encountered.
Founder of VeryFirstTo, Superbrands and Cool BrandLeaders, Marcel Knobil, said, “With a significant amount of VeryFirstTo members in the UK, Italy and the US; the research indicates that we look beyond our home countries when identifying exceptional beauty and think about our homeland when it comes to identifying ugliness. One can only salivate at the prospect of photographing these incredibly beautiful destinations. Personally, I think London is one of the world’s most wonderful cities, however I acknowledge that perhaps not even Fujifilm’s X-T1 could deliver an alluring image of its more grimy parts.”