Boko Haram: Group endorses Yuguda’s call for global intervention

A group, under the aegis of Nigeria Arise Against Terror (NAAT), has endorsed a call by Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State on the international community to urgently intervene in efforts by the federal government to stem the orgy of terror currently ravaging the North-east part of the country.
Interim National Coordinator of the group, Hon. Emeka Kanu-Nwapa, said it had reasons to believe that most of the attacks in the region recently suggested that the war had gone beyond the Boko Haram and had assumed an international face and character.

The national coordinator, in a statement by his publicity secretary, Malam Abba Aliyu, urged the international community to take special judicial notice of Gov. Isa Yuguda’s submissions.
Gov. Yuguda had stated in an interview last Thursday in London by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) monitored in Abuja that since some of the attackers now come from across Nigeria’s North-east borders with Chad, Niger and Cameroon, the face of the insurgency has shifted from a national to an international operation.
“Fighting a guerilla war is very difficult and especially if you have pockets of insurgents in various locations that are not easily identifiable, and especially that we have reasons to believe that this is not a national affair but an international one. Some of these attackers come from across our borders,” he said.