Boko Haram: FOMWAN seeks end to killings

Federation of Muslim Women Association of Nigeria (FOMWAN) has expressed “shock and dismay” as well as a deep sense of sorrow over the recent killing of over 40 students of the Federal Government College, Bunu, Yadi, Yobe state.
The association also tasked the federal government to, as a matter of urgency, move to end the reign of terrorism in the North-east, just as it urged all state branches to pray for peace.

National Publicity Secretary of the group, Hajia Bilqees Oladimeji, made the plea in a statement issued yesterday in Ilorin.
She said: “While consoling with parents and families of the children, we appeal to perpetrators of this heinous crime against humanity to please stop these senseless killings and embrace peace and dialogue as there is no issue that cannot be resolved through dialogue.

“As mothers, we are deeply saddened and call on government to intensify efforts at protecting the citizenry, particularly women and children in the affected states.”
Continuing, she said:

“The association urges the newly constituted members of the Constitutional conference to work towards a peaceful nation devoid of any incessant killing, rape of girl-child and kidnapping of innocent soul.
“We urge all well meaning Nigerians to intensify prayers to God Almighty to touch and change the hearts of these perpetrators of this inhuman act.

To all our brothers and sisters in the troubled states, we urge them not to despair but to continue to seek the intervention of Allah through prayers and fasting for the return of peace and security and the spirit of brotherhood to the zone.”