Boko Haram: FG seeks secret trial of Ndume

By Ameh Ejekwonyilo

The federal government has asked a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja to conduct a secret trial for Senator Aliyu Ndume, who is standing trial for terrorism charges.
Ndume, a senator from Borno state, is standing trial before Justice Gabriel Kolawole of the court over alleged link with the dreaded Boko Haram sect.
Counsel representing the federal government in the matter, E.A. Orji, in a motion dated September 23, 2014, begged the court to protect the identity of the remaining witness that are to give evidence in the matter.
“We urge the court to exclude members of the public from the trial. We also want the court to protect the identities of the remaining witness that shall give evidence in this case.
“The fundamental rights of the accused have not been violated because his counsel is represented and has not in any way been excluded from the matter. It is in the interest of national security and public safety that the motion should be granted.”
The accused counsel, Mr. I. Amaza, in his submission told the court that the request would violate his client’s right to fair hearing.
He told the court to turn down the request of the prosecution and continue with the trial.
After listening to both counsel, Justice Kolawole adjourned the case to October 24, for ruling.