Blue economy: All hands on deck – MInister

The Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Adegboyega Oyetola, led a delegation from the Ministry, including the DG NIMASA, Dr Bashir Jamoh, and Managing Director of NPA, Bello Koko to the International Customs Day Celebration in Lagos.

Assistant Director, Public Relations NIMASA Osagie Edward, in a statement seen by Blueprint on Sunday, stated that the minister reiterated his commitment to collaborate with the NIMASA Director General, Dr Jamoh, corroborating the minister’s position on partnership.

According to Jamoh, “The Nigerian Customs Service deserves to be commended for being steadfast in countering smuggling activities, all in a quest to encourage the use of Nigerian Ports and shore up accruable revenue to the Federal Government.

“More will be achieved if we increase the level of collaboration and cooperation. We can barely make progress without interagency collaboration, particularly in the maritime sector. Complementing each other’s activity will surely increase the Nigerian Port Efficiency and ultimately lead to the development of the Nigerian economy particularly the maritime industry”. ‎