Benue assembly urges probe into alleged assassination plot of member 

The Benue state House of Assembly has taken decisive action in response to alleged threat against the life of its member, Jonathan Agbidyeh, who represents the Katsina Ala East constituency.

The assembly also directed Chief Joseph Har, the security adviser to the governor to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged threats against the life of Agbidyeh saying it was a seriously matter that needs urgent investigation.

During a plenary session presided over by Speaker Aondona Dajoh, Agbidyeh Tuesday raised urgent concerns about his safety.

The urgent call to action came after Agbidyeh moved a motion of urgent public importance claiming that a conspiracy to end his life had been hatched by the caretaker chairman of Katsina Ala, Justin Shaku, in collusion with key members of the Benue state Volunteer Guards.

Agbidyeh’s allegations paint a harrowing picture of political intrigue and potential violence. He asserts that Shaku, along with the Volunteer Guards’ Commander, Mike Tughga, and another guardman, Jethro Tor-Tsaper, have orchestrated a plot to frame and assassinate him.

The motive, according to Agbidyeh, stems from his vocal opposition to extrajudicial killings and property seizures in his constituency, as well as his rejection of Shaku’s candidacy for the caretaker chairman position.

The situation escalated following a series of “terrible petitions” and a doctored video clip, allegedly produced by the trio, which led to Agbidyeh’s arrest and detention by the Department of State Services (DSS).

Although released after the DSS deemed the video of doubtful authenticity, Agbidyeh claims that Shaku’s efforts to defame him have only intensified.

“Mr. Speaker and my dear colleagues, as it is, without the intervention of this Honourable House, I will not be able to carry out my legislative functions in the very constituency I represent.

“I cannot even hold a town-hall meeting to interact with my people, as any meeting held with my constituents is tagged by Hon. Shaku and the Volunteer Guards as a meeting with criminals,” the lawmaker said.