Benue: Alia preaches moral reawakening amidst corruption

Governor Hyacinth Alia of Benue state, weekend, expressed worry over rising state of moral decay and corruption which he said had affected every facet of the society.

The governor stated this in an address delivered during the public lecture and presentation of the book, ‘Moral philosophy and character formation: Nigeria under the lens and Civic education and national values, basic 1, 2 and 3’ written by Dr Terna Francis, the director general of the Benue State Education Quality Assurance Agency (BEQA),
He said corruption and immorality have infiltrated “the home, streets, schools, and even the air.”

Highlighting the crisis of conscience facing society, Governor Alia questioned the universality of morality and the presence of a collective conscience.

He advocated for the introduction of civil education, beginning at the primary school level, adding that the moral fiber of society is essential for national development.

Governor Alia urged society to embrace change, starting with self-reflection.

“We must be the mirror for the anticipation of what we hope for,” he stated.

He encouraged individuals to stand out rather than conform to the negative bandwagon effect that offers no solutions to the problems at hand.

He also urged citizens to remember their legacy, stating, “If it is not about you, understand that you have a name to uphold.”

While acknowledging that the root of corruption often begins at home, Governor Alia expressed optimism about the potential for societal contribution, stating, “There is so much we can do to contribute to society for a change in the moral reawakening.”

He expressed his joy in participating in the presentation of a book he described as “historic” that aims to inspire the youth to contribute positively to the nation’s progress.

The governor commended Dr. Francis’s contributions to societal development, highlighting the importance of individual efforts in the collective fight against corruption.

Earlier in the event, Prof Aloysius Ihuah, national president of the Association of Physiology Practitioners of Nigeria and Book Reviewer, lauded the author’s commitment to fostering national ethics through his literary works.