How to become a self made man or woman

A selfmade man or woman is one who who is able to rise above their humble origins to leave behind a lasting legacy.
Through sheer determination, discipline, and strength of character, the self-made man or woman can overcome poverty or other hardships through education and hard work.
Leave your mark in business, politics, or society by taking control of your life and becoming a self-made person.
1.Taking action A defining characteristic of the self-made person is being born to a poor family, then later achieving great financial success.
Oprah Winfrey, for instance, grew up wearing potato sacks to school, but is now worth over $3 billion.
There are several ways to overcome poverty.
Work hard at your job Working hard is a crucial part of bettering yourself.
Even if you hate your job, if you work hard, you could earn a raise, a promotion, or open the door to other opportunities later.
3.Save your money Save all your receipts over the course of a month to draft a personal budget.
In one column, calculate all the money you spent, and in the other, calculate all the money you earned.
Identify expenditures you can reduce or eliminate in order to save as much of your money as possible.
Always be on the lookout for new opportunities. Browse classifieds in your local paper or online.
Sites like Craigslist, LinkedIn, and offer opportunities to connect with employers and post your own resume for employers to look over.
4.Educate yourself Education could be formal or informal.
A formal education is more expensive, but it will also expose you to more ideas and open you to new opportunities.
If you wish to pursue formal education, talk to financial aid officers at local colleges and universities to find out what kind of incentives they offer.
When you find an institution of higher education that seems like a good fit for you, complete the necessary applications and attend classes faithfully.
If you wish to simply pursue informal education, read widely (both fiction and nonfiction) on a variety of topics.
Your local library is a great resource for learning more about the world. Community education classes are often available for free, or at discounted rates.
5.Start your own business The world’s most famous self-made people are generally good capitalists.
Think of an idea that you think would improve the world (or, at least, something that would make money).
Draft a business proposal and present it to a loan officer at a financial institution.
Obtain a loan, and hire qualified professionals who are as driven as you are.
Your business does not need to be radical or terribly original. For instance, you could start a magazine or self-help website.
If you are more scientifically How to become a self made man or woman inclined, you could use your talents to invent something that will improve people’s lives — a new, more efficient medicine or water purification device, for example.
6.Engage in politics The self-made person often takes advantage of the opportunities of an open, democratic government in order to attain a political position.
Using your political position to affect positive change will bring you personal fame and success.
7.Start small Run for a city council position and get a feel for how the legislative process works.
Other local positions like mayor or county commissioner might be open to you as well.
Work your way up to the state level.
Run to represent your county in the state congress as a representative or senator.
It’s good to have a bit of money at this level, since campaigns can get expensive.
You could raise money from donors or fund yourself.
If you feel especially ambitious, you could continue to the national level as a senator or representative in Washington.
8.Structure your time Making yourself into the person you want to be means managing your time effectively.
Devise a daily or weekly schedule with everything you needs and want to do and stick to it.
Set an alarm clock for your bedtime and wake up time.
Ensure you get about eight hours of sleep each night.
Don’t forget to factor in downtime where you can relax and decompress.
9.Develop perseverance Perseverance means the ability to overcome obstacles when pursuing a goal.
To develop perseverance, don’t quit on your goals, even when things get hard.
A good activity that can help you develop perseverance is distance running.
You will face many challenges when distance running: fatigue, thirst, hunger, and even pain.
However, even though you might slow your pace, do not stop.
It is this willingness to push on through challenges that will help you become a self-made person.
Pushing yourself to the limit with any kind of physical exercise can help you learn to persevere.
The military is a great place to develop perseverance.
Military training requires you to overcome not only physical challenges but mental challenges, too.
Both will develop your perseverance.
You could also start a business to develop perseverance.
Continue to develop and grow your business even if others encourage you to sell it and believe it will fail.
Since everyone is faced with their own challenges in life, the specific circumstances under which you develop perseverance don’t really matter.
What counts is setting specific, realistic goals and committing yourself to meeting them — no matter what.[16] 10.
Stay motivated While having determination and perseverance means you have a willingness to stay the course, staying motivated means you have the power to stay the course.
Whatever your goal, remind yourself of how important it is to see it through.
For instance, if you’re struggling to save money, think about how much more secure you’ll feel when you have adequate savings.
Staying motivated requires focusing on a better future, and with extra motivation it will be easier for you to stop buying unnecessary things that you want, but don’t need.
I n a d d i t i o n t o s t a y i n g motivated by thinking about future success, allow yourself occasional rewards for your hard work.
For instance, if you have a business plan divided into various stages, celebrate with friends or family after accomplishing each step.
This will give you the opportunity to celebrate your success, and inspire you to pursue even greater success at the next stage.
T h i n k b a c k o n p r i o r accomplishments to stay motivated.

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