Be steadfast, support each other amid challenges, CWOAA president urges women

President of the Catholic Women Organization Abuja Archdiocese (CWOAA) Ebele Okoye, has expressed worry over the hardships that women face daily, ranging from economic difficulties to personal struggles.

She appealed to them to remain steadfast and prayerful during these challenging times.

She emphasized the power of perseverance and the critical role of faith in navigating these tough periods, urging women to be more resilient, hold on firmly to their faith, to support one another with love and compassion, and to never lose hope.

Okoye gave the advise during the 2024 Catholic Women Organization Abuja Archdiocese/World Union of Catholic Women Organization (CWOAA/WUCWO) Day Celebration held weekend at the Holy Rosary Parish, Wuse Abuja.

The Mass was officiated by the CWOAA Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Francis Kale.

The CWOAA President stressed the importance of communal solidarity and spiritual fortitude as essential tools for overcoming adversity and finding solace and strength in their spiritual journey.

“Things are hard, but I encourage women to continue to persevere, show love to one another, continue to strive, be that mother and wife that you are, hold God firmly, and don’t relent,” she urged.

She also addressed the recent cholera outbreak, advising women to maintain high standards of hygiene.

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Hygiene is important in the home, and not just your home, wherever you find yourself as a woman, a human being, as a mother,” she said.

The immediate past president of CWOAA Mrs. Nkiruka Mary Imazue, spoke on the significance of WUCWO, noting that the period from May through June is a time for women to reflect on their roles in the home, community, and society.

“In Nigeria, WUCWO week is celebrated across all parishes with various activities, including novena prayers and fitness sessions to help women rejuvenate, especially under the weight of the family in difficult economic times,” she said.

The National Legal Officer of the Catholic Women Organization of Nigeria (CWON) encouraged members to enhance their commitment to prayer, love, and unity. She emphasized that the CWOAA has built a strong structure of support and sharing over the years.

“Despite the economic hardships, mothers should not give up because Mother Mary never gave up. We must continue to pray with our families, manage the little we have, and trust in God to uphold us,” she remarked.

Similarly, Mrs. Chizoba Maryanne Ogbeche, a CWOAA member from St. Donald’s Parish Karu and Deputy Editor of Blueprint Weekend, highlighted the role of women as homemakers and builders.

She urged women to keep their faith in God and never give up regardless of the country’s situation.

“We should celebrate women every day. Women should always celebrate themselves too. They are a special creation with the unique responsibility of procreation and taking care of the home,” Ogbeche noted.

Earlier, Mrs. Chinyere Ukaoha, the newly elected President of the host parish Holy Rosary Wuse, expressed her vision to foster more unity, love, and spiritual activities in the parish.

The celebration served as a platform for women to encourage one another and reaffirm their faith and resilience in the face of ongoing economic challenges.