Bauchi partners NCS, NDLEA on correctional centres’ decongestion


Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi state has promised that his administration will partner with the Nigeria Correctional Service (NCS) in a bid to decongest the various correctional centres across the state.

The governor made the pledge when he received in audience, the newly posted Zonal Coordinator in charge of the Zone C Nigerian Correctional Service, Yahaya Adamu Sambo, stressing the need to make the centers correctional as the name implies so that all the inmates will come out better and reformed after serving their various terms.  

Governor Bala assured that his administration will continue to support the correctional service in its efforts to make lives of the inmates better through improved facilities and other things needed.  

On his part, the Zonal Coordinator of the Nigerian Correctional Service in charge of Zone C, Adamu Sambo said he was ready to partner with the state government and commended Governor Bala for his various development projects as well as impact on the correctional service.

Similarly, Governor Mohammed said he would strive hard to address fake and counterfeit drugs in the state in order to reduce addiction and abuse among youths.  

 The governor spoke when the State Commander of National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Bauchi, Ali Aminu visited him at the Government House. He said if the NDLEA would work in collaboration with other sister agencies, the problem of drug abuse in the state particularly among youths would reduce drastically.

 He told the NDLEA state commander to work hard in collaboration with other sister agencies to stem the tide of illicit drugs and other activities.

 The NDLEA state commander, Ali Aminu had earlier told the governor that the rate of drugs abuse in the state is high, hence the need for proper collaboration and support from the state government for sustainable growth and development.