Bandits kill DPO, 2 others in Zamfara 

Terrorists, Saturday, invaded Maru town, headquarters of Maru local government area of Zamfara state in an attempt to kidnap people in the area and killed a Divisional Police Officer a Superintendent of Police; an Inspector and one other person.

Residents in the area identified as Lawali Ibrahim Maru in an interview with Blueprint via telephone said the bandits in their large number stormed the town on Saturday night attempting to kidnap people in the area.

According to him, the DPO lost his life while trailing the bandits during the incident.

Lawali stated that others killed by the bandits during the incident were Shehu Abbas and Rabi’u Umar Bagobiri, an Inspector in Maru town.

The state Commissioner, CP Kolo Yusuf, in a statement signed by the command’s spokes person, SP Muhammad Shehu, Sunday, confirmed the incident, reassuring the general public of the command’s continuous commitment to protecting their lives and property in the state.

The CP gave the reassurance while condoling with the families of late DPO, SP Kazeem Raheem, and Inspector Rabi’u Umar attached to the Division who paid the supreme price during the fierce confrontation with bandits in Maru. 

“On 5th March, 2023 at about 0200hrs, bandits in large numbers, armed with sophisticated weapons, attacked Maru Division with intent to distabilize the security architecture of the town in order to easily attack and abduct members of the community.

“However, the DPO and the team gallantly put up a strong resistance to repel the attackers. Unfortunately, himself and the above named Inspector lost their lives while protecting the public,” the CP said.