Bago badminton championship, step in right direction, Says sports director

Niger state Director of sports, Alhaji Baba Sheshi Katcha, has observed that the ongoing inter local government badminton championship organized by the state badminton association in honour of the state Governor, Mohammed Umar Bago, is a step in the right direction.

The Director made this observation while speaking to sports Journalists at the Minna Sports Club complex on Wednesday.

He added that the championship is the first of its kind in the history of badminton association in the state.
He said even though badminton is played across the state, this was the first time players of badminton were been gathered from various local governments of the state to compete amongst themselves in one centre.

Alhaji Sheshi said the gesture by the state badminton association was in line with what the state ministry of youths and sports development has been preaching to all sports associations in the state to organize activities that will encourage talent discovery.

He said from the games he had watched so far, the championship was living up to expectations, saying “the turn out was impressive and the competing spirit exhibited by the players was encouraging.”

The state Director of sports also expressed optimism that a lot of discoveries would be made during the championship and believed that the state badminton technical crew led by Coach Ismaila would be able to pencil down some players that would be nurtured to feature for the state in national competitions.

“This is an opportunity for us, I know that badminton is been played in various local governments in the state asides Minna, places like Bida, Kontagora, Agaie, Suleja, Lapai, New Bussa. Badminton is been played there in full fledged manner, but to gather them in the state capital where they can compete and get the best out of it this is the first time,” said the Director.

While appreciating and commending the badminton association under the leadership of Hon. Mohammed Nma Kolo for organizing the championship, the state Director of sports assured the association that the ministry was proud of the milestone achievement by the association and would always support them where necessary.

He equally urged other sports associations in the state to emulate the badminton association by doing some activities even on a small scale, that will enhance the development of their respective sports.

Meanwhile, the championship had so far taken a climax shape as some local governments had reached the medal stage. Suleja local government dominated the women category of the championship, as it is going to be an all Suleja affairs in the finals of both the singles and doubles of the women category.

For the men singles category which is in quarter final stage, Aliyu Shehu and Yahaya both of as Suleja will battle for semi final slot in the first quarter final game, Isah M of Bida LG will play Ismaila of Suleja LG in the second game, Salman of Kontagora will play J. Adama of Bida LG, while the last quarter final game will feature A. Umar of Suleja LG and A. Saidu of Kontagora LG.

For the men doubles which is in the semi final stage, the duo of Aliyu and Ismaila of Suleja LG will face M. Isah and M. Dewo of Bida LG in the first game, while the second game will feature the duo of A. Salihu and A. Umar for Suleja LG against Salman and S. Aliyu of Kontagora LG. All the matches are scheduled for Morning, afternoon and evening of Thursday, 27 June.