ASUU gives N1.7m grant to 15 UNIUYO students 

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, University of Uyo branch (ASUU-UUB) has doled out N1.7 million to 15 indigent University of Uyo (UniUyo) students who excelled in their academics.

The union said the move was to help push students who were also noted to be brilliant in their respective faculties to finish their tertiary education.

This is just as the union honoured all the past leaders of the branch with the ‘Heroes Awards’ for leading the union firmly through turbulent periods in the history of the branch.

Blueprint correspondent reports that the Heroes awardees were: Professor Desmond Wilson, Professor Edet Peter Akpan, Professor Joshua Ushie, Professor Aniesua Essiet, Professor Ashong Ashong and Dr. Etop Ndiyo.

Speaking during the heroes’ day celebration at UniUyo’s main campus in Uyo, Tuesday, the national president of ASUU, Professor Emmanuel Osadeke, commended the awardees for their steadfastness to the union despite the difficulties they faced.

The ASUU boss frowned at how staff employment in the universities is turned into a ‘constituency project’ without following due process.

Osadeke noted with dismay that the illegal process has turned out to battle the university standard because most of the people employed have no business with the academic world.

“I must heartily congratulate all the heroes honoured today for the sacrifices they made to the point of termination of appointments, seizure of salaries, demotion among other travails for speaking truth to powers for the benefit of others.”