As FG assures Nigerian workers to get value for their Labour…

Minister of  Labour and Employment Dr Simon Lanlong and Minister of State for Labour and Employment Hon. Nkiruka Onyejeocha recently assumed duties  August 21, 2023. MOSES JOHN writes on their promises for Nigerians.  

 Prior to the appointment of Minister of  Labour and Employment Dr Simon Lanlong and Minister of State for Labour and  Employment  Hon. Nkiruka Onyejeocha,  the Organised Labour had been at loggerheads  with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over some disputed issues. These issues bothered on the recent removal of subsidy in the price of petroleum product, increase in electricity tariff and what they considered as anti-people policies of the new government.


Addressing the heads of agencies under the ministry as well as its directors, the ministers  assured Nigerian workers that President Tinubu has directed that “we move on with negotiations to arrive at amicable resolutions that will make our workers overcome the current pains.” 

Lalong, the  immediate past Plateau state governor further told the Organised Labour that President Tinubu wasn’t taking their patience and understanding for granted.

“Let me use this opportunity to specially convey the appreciation of Mr. President to the organised labour and Nigerian workers in general for exercising tremendous understanding and patience with the current situation. The Government does not take this for granted and Mr. President has directed that we move on with negotiations to arrive at amicable resolutions that will make our workers overcome the current pains,” he said.

Tinubu’s vision  

Speaking further, the minister said: “In the coming weeks, we shall unveil detailed plans of President Tinubu’s vision for Labour and Employment and also spell out the role that the Ministry and its agencies, development partners and Nigerians in general will play in actualizing it. We shall be engaging all relevant partners and receiving briefings towards a robust performance.

“The President has, in turn, mandated us to handle the very important aspects of Labour and Employment, which are critical to national development and prosperity.

“The task is certainly enormous but achievable, especially with the abundant human resources Nigeria is endowed with. We therefore need your support and understanding to succeed”.

Promoting decent work

On the mandate of the ministry at ensuring decent work for Nigerian workers, the minister said, “under my stewardship, the Ministry of Labour and Employment will fulfill its mandate of ensuring decent work for all Nigerians and making sure that our citizens particularly the youth and women get the opportunity to deploy their energy, creativity, talent and gifts to the development of the nation.

“We shall therefore mobilise and deploy all the resources of the Ministry towards ensuring that the matters relating to Labour and Employment are galvanised across relevant MDAs and sectors of the economy in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr. President. Our workers must get value for their labour and operate in safe and conducive environment.

“Because of the level of unemployment, underemployment, and challenges associated with the work environment, we have been mandated by Mr. President to ensure that Nigerians get decent employment and are adequately remunerated for their labour both in the public and private sectors. We shall not spare any effort to protect the Nigerian worker and guarantee his dignity at all times.”


He said this administration would escalate the relations with the private sector, development partners, international agencies, NGOs among others to make sure  unemployment and underemployment are reduced to the barest minimum according to the plan of the Tinubu Administration.

“The Government through the Ministry shall work closely with the NLC, TUC and their affiliates towards not only ensuring that all pending industrial disputes are settled amicably, but also addressing with strong determination the new minimum wage and other palliatives arising from the removal of fuel subsidy.

“Overall, the Ministry shall leverage on Technology, skill acquisition, entrepreneurship, agriculture among others to open up more employment opportunities for all Nigerians. This is in addition to current Safety Net Jobs and new ones that this Government will initiate within the coming weeks and months,” the minister said.