Arrest falling standard of education now, Reps tell ministry 

The House of Representatives has urged the Federal Ministry of Education to urgently arrest the falling standard of education by reviewing and applying stringent policies to the standards of education in Nigeria at all levels.

The House has also urged the federal government to adequately fund the ewducational sector and further urged the Federal Ministry of Education and the Universal Basic Education Commission to work with the Teachers’ Education Council of Nigeria (TRCN) and other relevant bodies to monitor the accreditation and strictly regulate the Continued Professional Development (CPD) of teachers in Nigeria.

While also urging the Federal Ministry of Communications to develop measures to limit social media usage for children below16 years in Nigeria, the House mandated its Committees on Basic Education and Services, and Communications to ensure implementation.

The resolution Thursday followed a motion on Need to Tackle the Dropping Standards of Education in Nigeria, presented by Hon. Ayodeji Alao Akala.

In his observations, the lawmaker noted that the Nigerian educational sector is facing a continuous decline in standards due to poor funding, inadequate facilities, insufficient teachers, corruption, insecurity, poor supervision, poor policy implementation and poor attitudes towards schoolwork, while the rise of social media has exposed young children to unsupervised orientation, leading to misplaced priorities and neglect of school work.