APC crisis: I didn’t ask court to make me national secretary- Mustapha

The crisis rocking the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) seems to be getting messier as a purported court order emerged on Thursday ordering Comrade Mustapha Salihu, who is currently the party’s national vice chairman North-east to act as the national secretary of the party.

A court order dated June 16, 2020 obtained at the FCT High Court sitting at Maitama and presided over by Hon Justice S U Bature and having Comrade Salihu as the purported applicant granted the interim order that Comrade Salihu should act as national secretary pending “the decision of a validly convened National Executive Committee, NEC or pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice already filed, whichever comes first.”

However, a very furious Comrade Salihu has dissociated himself from such interim order saying he was not a party to it.

In a telephone interview with journalists, the APC’s national vice chairman North East said there was no way he would have been part of the so called interim order when he was at a meeting of the party’s stakeholders from the North East when the decision was reached to nominate and endorse Architect Waziri Bulama as the acting national secretary of the party.

“My zone, the North East has already nominated Architect Waziri Bulama in the presence of the Senate president, APC governors from the zone and other party stakeholders as the acting national secretary. I was at the meeting where this decision was reached. So why now would I go back to obtain a court order to act as national secretary?

“I was not part of such shenanigan. It is not in my character to play such dirty politics and I condemn in strong terms those behind the act. At a time like this when the party is going through trying times, it is such a time that all lovers of the party must pull together to keep the party running,” he said.

Those joined in the said application as defendants are Babatunde Ogala, national legal adviser, Lanre Issa Onilu, national publicity secretary, Waziri Bulama, acting national secretary and the APC.

The motion ex-parte with number FCT/HC/M/7707/2020 was supported by an affidavit sworn by one Obinna Ugwu.