Again, terrorists invade Kaduna, kill 12, burn houses in Kajuru

Terrorists early Sunday morning invaded Gindin Dutse Makyali village, Kufana District in Kajuru Local Government Area (LGA) of Kaduna state where they shot 12 people to death, while nine others sustained varying degrees of injuries with 17 houses burnt down.

According to sources, the terrorists mostly branded bandits stormed the community Sunday morning around 5am and immediately started shooting sporadically in the air to wake the residents, who were still sleeping. 

Though the Kaduna state Police Command was yet to confirm the attack, a community leader, Moses Musa, told journalists that the attack occurred not far away from a military checkpoint. 

He said nine of the victims were burnt to death inside their rooms, while nine others sustained varying degrees of injuries from fire burn. 

The community leader stated that 17 houses were burnt by the bandits during the attack that lasted few hours without any resistance from security agencies.

Blueprint recalled that the Kajuru Sunday attack is coming on the heels of multiple attacks Friday night in Kauru and Igabi LGAs of state. 

The attacks on Kwassam and Sabon Laying villages in Kauru LGA and Gwada and Kerawa villages in Igabi LGA left at least nine persons dead, nine injured, while 35 persons were kidnapped including a retired director of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), his younger brother and his sister-in-law.

Meanwhile, Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna state has commiserated with the families of residents who were killed, those who sustained injuries and those abducted, saying that he is working assiduously with security forces and other critical stakeholders on mitigating security challenges in the state. 

According to the Kaduna state Overseeing Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Mr Samuel Aruwan, Governor Sani was saddened “to receive security reports on renewed bandits attacks resulting in loss of lives, kidnappings and destruction of properties in Kajuru, Kauru and Igabi LGAs. The governor, who has been leading meetings with security forces, condemned the attacks in strong terms, while praying for the repose of the souls of the deceased. 

“He also directed the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) to, as a matter of urgency, assist the affected communities in Kajuru and Igabi LGAs following the burning of some of their houses and valuables. The Governor however reiterated the state government’s dedication and commitment in tackling the security challenges experienced across the state.”