AfDB probe: Adesina’s clearance proves his transparency- Ortom


Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue state Wednesday said the exoneration of the President of African Development Bank (AfDB), Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, from corruption by an independent probe review panel has confirmed him as a quality and worthy administrator.

Ortom, who stated this in a statement by his press secretary, Terver Akase, noted that the clearance of the AfDB president from the 16 allegations leveled against him confirms the fact that he was an honest and transparent man who has creditably led the bank as its chief executive in the past five years. 

He described the outcome of the independent panel’s review as attestation of Dr. Adesina’s competence to head the bank for another term.

Governor Ortom said having worked with Dr. Adesina in the Federal Executive Council as ministers he knew that he is a man of probity and enviable reputation.

He further said that he was optimistic that a review of the report by the group, which accused the AfDB president of corruption, would be proved wrong. 

The governor urged Dr. Adesina to consider the development as an inspiration to offer greater service to the African continent and its partners through the bank. 

He wished the AfDB president a hitch-free re-election next month and a successful second tenure.