ActionAid Nigeria lauds DPGG on gender equality, women empowerment programmes 

Action Aid Nigeria (AAN) has applauded the Development Partners Group on Gender (DPGG) for the collaborative effort that went into development of this strategic framework that will provide focus and direction to members for coordination around gender equality and women empowerment programs in Nigeria.

The Country Director,  Ene Obi at the official launch of the DPGG coordination strategic framework  in Abuja recently said the  document will help DPGG as a collective, to address most of the around coordination of gender and women’s rights interventions in Nigeria.

She further explained that the Development Partners Group on Gender (DPGG) has organically grown since inception in 2008 to become one of the largest multi-sectoral gender and women empowerment accountability group in Nigeria. 

She said “We are indeed mindful of the role DPGG has played in supporting the review of strategic policy documents like the Revised National gender Policy 2021, Police Commission gender policy and other economic empowerment policies”.