A peep into FCT’s new looks through Wikeholic approach

Last year August the Federal Executive Council was inaugurated by President Bola Tinubu. At the ceremony he asked  the ministers not to disappoint Nigerians, and that he expected them to serve with Integrity, dignity and competence to actualise the manifesto of the administration. As the administration marked its one year in office the president instructed the 47 ministers to present their performance scorecards.

 Most scorecards presented by the minsters are not appreciable as a substantial number of them have failed to grasp their roles adequately, while a small percent performed fairly. The performance of the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Nyesome Wike, was superlative; he knows his onions as far as public service is concerned. He explicitly understands that public service is to add value in the administration.

Wikeholic  profoundly has an in-depth perception of the purpose of being in  government. For him, being in government is to serve humanity as providing security and welfare to the people shall be the primary purpose of government. As a no nonsense minister, Barrister Wike always responded swiftly to an emergency situation with a passion for a good outcome; devotedly ensures that the right thing has always been done accordingly.

In the past eight years Nigeria’s capital city had suffered infrastructural decay, everything was wrong not only in the city and the area councils at large. From security to infrastructure and other sectors, it was the negative narratives before Wikeholic took office. But through his strategy he was able to break every bureaucratic bottleneck to ensure effective and efficient synergies among all security agencies. 

Before Mr Wikeholic took the saddle of the FCT administration less than a year ago, FCT had several uncompleted, abandoned, un-awarded road and general infrastructure projects that were begging for attention; ageing roads and facilities that were overdue for maintenance, expansion or outright reconstruction.

The administration showcased some of its achievements especially at the federal capital through Wikeholic approach. The president commissioned roads, bridges and other infrastructure projects. Among the projects is the Abuja Rail Mass Transit Scheme, also known as the Abuja metro line. The Abuja rail project had been ongoing for nearly two decades, without a conclusion in sight. 

Other projects are the multi-billion naira official residence of the vice president, the strategic Wuye flyover (interchange) across Nnamdi Azikiwe Ring Road, connecting Wuye District to the city centre through Olusegun Obasanjo Way, and many other resurfaced, rehabilitated and completed projects. While some of the commissioned projects were initiated by the FCT Administration under Mr Wike, others were inherited from previous administrations

The minister undisputably is working round the clock to keep his promise that, a lot of Nigerians will see great changes, as far as the FCT is concerned. He has vowed that no ongoing project in the FCT would be abandoned, and that projects which are considered as priority have been included in the FCT’s 2024 statutory budget for adequate funding.

Mr Wike came into the job with a strong profile based on his performance as Rivers governor from 2015 to 2023. While serving as governor, his strides in infrastructural development earned him applause as Mr Project. Since they were appointed in August 2023, about 10 months ago, Mr Wike, joined by the Minister of State, Mariyam Mahmud, have perhaps completed more projects than his predecessor did in his eight years in the same office.

Apparently, Mr  President was elated with the development recorded by the minister to make the Federal Capital wear new looks. Keep it up Hon Wikeholic Minister.  His approach to duty is a model of public service that other state-actors need to emulate.

Abba Dukawa,


[email protected].