Title: Meditation: Faint Whispers of Reminiscence
Background: ‘Meditation: The Faint Whispers of Reminiscence’ is a poem collection having over a hundred poems in it. It canvases complex pictures in simple and comprehensible paintings. It charges the conscience of man to see beyond the limits and compass of his mortal eyes. Carpeted upon three breezes of thoughts; namely:
i. Thoughts of a philosopher
ii. Thoughts of a lover
iii. Thoughts of a patriot
Each is connected to the other in terms of purpose, meaning and reflection. They all in their peculiar way seek to portray the feelings of lost, pain, love, hurt, disgust, lust, and hope portrayed through alot of imagery. Whisked in a pool of simple words, it is safe to say this is a poem collection filled with great potentials and having the promise of easily captivating who reads it. Below are some of the poems for your reading delight.
Animal Farm
Kukuruku! Called the time keeper
Dawn smiles from east to crown her siege
Chorused voices yawn in whispers
Finding their way to ear their liege
The distant bleating of sheep
Luring the cattle’s hips
Irked famine hauls her ire
Tossing mother hen’s cry to the mire
A shaft of wit by the goat
Enshrouded in disguised smile
Hypocrisy rafts their heavy cloak
Honesty accord them bleak and vile
Then come the bulls in swaying hops
In a stream of fear silence embraced the yard
With misled muscles they plight the mob
A scene flavouring the ink of a bard
They laugh at the squealing of baby lamb
Taunting the brave of the rams
Showing off their strength and wild
To trouble the hearts so meek and mild
Not far beyond the golden lintel
Lie the master on a comfy couch
Savoring the melody of an unholy minstrel
Insensitive to the yard’s dark clouds
The bleat and whine the farm decry
Dare not stand abreast his pernicious eyes
For soon will begin the hour, their end
When he flourishes his blade in spite of them
So they steal into the covert of their skin
For lisping contacts only a kin
And not by one is keen to fray
Or voice the pains of nature’s nay
But the bulls forget they are of kind
Yet trend the path of heartless hinds
Who intensify the bred of airy words
To stain their horns with unicorn blood
The tinted valour shall lose its blindness
Sublime thunder will strike her holiness
And number will less the horns profaned
When the lion’s lip service is slain.
Then the bulls shall call a truce
Bygones be left that which they are
The master’s fall project their muse
A gong of revolt to honour the stars
So new is born a liege of choice
To dry the vastness of red fountains
And take the yard to more fertile mountains
Tales By Moonlight
Tears are shed in memory of the past
When moral stance were learnt through tales
Words through ears the mind they cast
Their task they meet the heart unfailed
Man thrives in woe
Idleness concur the tides have changed
For history’s weed today is hoed
By adverse adaptation unchained
The moon no longer lights at night
The stars cover in clouds to ease the cold
The lands see less the ambient light
History’s adventure no longer unfold
The past had sat to listen and cheer
No moon shall fall without her tear
History addresses her in tender and dear
Voice she heeds with noble peer
But today vilify her glory days
The sun eclipse the stars and moonlight
No night will fight untriumphed by day
The oblivion of folktales at night
My Beautiful Troublesome Hummingbird
Once upon my wandering soul
Lived a spirit unloved by all
Until solace became the whispering silence
Echoing from the laughter of waterfalls
Yet in my plight became a friend
An offspring of nature’s spring
Whose trouble became my reasons to
Define the hope that lives therein
Nature is but a witty pranker
Soaking a desiccated heart in gore mud
To tease ones yearns in silhouettes
Pinched by the blunt side of cupid’s sword
But a friend I had begged for
And this feeble creature was given
Beautiful as sunbeams dancing on shadows
Wearisome as the core existence of living
And there you have it
The chronicles of my beautiful trouble
A hummingbird of warm colours
One I could tell “I LOVE YOU”
Jumbles of Broken Dreams
Images ripple on the tile
Like raft weightless afloat an ocean
Of scene-cut sleep
My dreams are
Broken into tiny