A clarion call on Zamfara technocrats

Politics, they say, is the study of influence and the influential; hence, power is what politics is all out to achieve. Power is the probability that a person can carry out his will despite resistance. The successful politician is therefore he who is quite skillful in the acquisition, maintenance and use of power to advance the interest of the constituency. Indeed, Gov Bello Matawalle has really demonstrated all the traits of a successful politician who has the patriotism to pull Zamfara state from abyss and turn her around which is clearly beyond the contrivance of a mediocre leadership. 

Matawalle’s sense of direction since his emergence as governor of Zamfara state, especially in the areas of security, civil service reform, education, health and politics of peace and fair play is enough to prove to all that Zamfara is not beyond change. He has proved to all that the state can change with the right leadership, will-power, ability and vision. 
We know that people like him are rare in any time or place, but, it is the duty of the educated to lead the way towards discovery and create a conductive atmosphere. This has become imperative because if this conscious effort is not made, then good leadership would be driven out and that would be a betrayal of trust in education.

Dan Madamin Maradun Network under the able leadership of Alhaji Ibrahim Dan Bungudu is therefore a spontaneous mobilisation of such educated and enlightened elements of the society with the fundamental objective of extending their wealth of knowledge and experience to the administration of Matawalle in salvaging the state from the bondage of retrograde manipulation, exploitation, denial of merit, social injustice and wasteful misapplication of human and material resources hitherto intended to perpetuate the state’s under-development almost forever. 
The network is a holistic ‘think-tank’ in both composition and outlock drawn from mostly technocrats with diversified field of human endeavours. For example, we have in our midst, education administrators, professional managers, economists, politicians, engineers, veteran journalists, legal luminaries, empirical observers professionally known as empiricists whose knowledge is not derived from theory but from practical observation. In the event of any cryptic situation emerging, they possess the knowledge and skills to foresee deviation coming along the line and offer advise before any derailment occurs.
We also have women activists and our women activists are also idealistic activists. We have religious fundamentalists who are also sophisticated intellectuals.

This network is hereby calling on all well-meaning and patriotic citizens of Zamfara state in particular and the country in general to note the monumental achievements of Matawalle.
His leadership ability to change within the shortest possible time the erstwhile predicament of the society by inventing new political ideas that turned the people’s sorrow into joy.
That hitherto Zamfara state had contended with a clandestine administration that was haphazard with all the accompanying negative consequences. But today, thanks to the Almighty Allah, we are blessed with a dynamic administration that is rational, consistent and methodical, young and educated. pursuit of his political career.
 It is against this background that we solicit the kind consideration of the governor to formally carry this foundation along as the government’s partner in progress in an advisory capcity.
The importance to society of people like Bello Matawalle is not in every politician like him. Just as Chinua Achebe rightly observed in the case of Malam Aminu Kano, Bello Matawalle is not an angel from heaven; he is a human being like the rest of us here in Zamfara state. Therefore, after his example, no one can again reduce the high purpose of politics down to a swinish scramble without bringing a terrible judgment on himself.
We are therefore calling on all patriotic elements of Zamfara state, especially indigenes resident in the  Federal Capital Territory, to join hands with this network so that together we shall map out a Coherent Economic, Social and Political Programme (CESP) that shall stimulate the productive base of the state’s economy that has a large multiplier effect for the economic good and happiness of all of us.
Alhaji Bungudu writes from Gusau, Zamfara state