Embrace breast, cervical cancer screening, coalition urges women

Worried by the rise in cases of breast and cervical cancer, the president, Medical Women Association of Nigeria and chairperson, Oyo state Coalition Against Cancer, Dr. Olusola Taiwo Saturday advised Nigerian women to embrace monthly breast and cervical screening.

Speaking at Oyo state of the Coalition’s free Breast and Cervical cancer free screening programme for about 1000 women at Lagelu Grammar school, Ibadan, Dr Taiwo said the monthly screening would enable the women to know their status as well as ensure early detection of the disease

The president, Medical Women Association of Nigeria said  early detection of breast and cervical cancer saves life.

She stated that the free screening exercise was to provide platform for women to check their status and also access care immediately, with a view to reducing the number of deaths attributed to breast and cervical cancer in the state.

“The turnout is impressive and we are here to attend to everyone diligently. I am calling on women to go for breast and cervical screening on a monthly basis for them to know their status,” she said

Dr Taiwo, while lauding the turnout at the free screening programme hinted that necessary arrangements have been made by Oyo state government and its partners for follow-up treatment at government designated hospitals in the state, which will be based on the results of the screening.

Speaking at the programme, Secretary to the Oyo State Government, Mrs. Olubamiwo Adeosun, tasked women in the state to enroll for breast and cervical screening as early as possible to prevent unforeseen circumstances.