Improving pneumonia vaccine for older adult

Pneumonia in older adults remains a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and increased healthcare costs. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacterium known to cause an array of illnesses in older adults, including pneumonia, meningitis, and bloodstream infections. Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is most commonly linked to S pneumoniae, and is associated with significant economic burden, hospitalisation, and mortality rates. Approximately 5.6 million cases of CAP occur in the United states annually. Of those cases, roughly 1.3 million lead to hospitalisation.The mean age for CAP is 62.6 years, with direct costs exceeding $17 billion annually in the United States.

In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported influenza/pneumonia as the eighth leading cause of death in those aged 65 years and older. Although pneumonia is considered a vaccine-preventable disease, the annual incidence of the disease remains high in the United States because of low vaccination rates. In 2016, the national pneumococcal vaccination rate for individuals aged 65 years and older was 66.9%, far under the goal of 90% set by Healthy People 2020.

Preventing pneumonia by increasing vaccination rates begins with the primary care provider; however, providers are often managing urgent and chronic medical complaints, thus limiting prevention screening time during office visits. This article provides a quick reference guide informing the PCP about who should be vaccinated, what vaccines are available to reduce the incidence of pneumonia, and what barriers to vaccination uptake exist in this population.

Two vaccines are available to prevent pneumonia in this population: pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13 or Prevnar 13) and the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23 or Pneumovax 23). PCV13 reduces the risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, whereas both PCV13 and PPSV23 protect against invasive pneumococcal infections. Vaccinating adults aged 65 years and older with both PCV13 and PPSV23 is thought to give broader protection against invasive pneumococcal disease. The PCV13 vaccine contains 13 serotypes of S pneumoniae. According to the CDC, 1 dose of PCV13 protects 75 in 100 adults aged 65 years and older from invasive pneumococcal disease, and 45 in 100 from pneumococcal pneumonia. The PPSV23 vaccine covers 23 strains of pneumococcus, and is estimated to protect from 50 to 85 of 100 adults against invasive pneumococcal disease.

Who should receive the vaccine and when?

In the adult population, two target groups are recommended for the pneumococcal vaccine. The CDC recommends that all adults aged 65 years have both PCV13 and PPSV23 vaccines. The pneumococcal vaccine is also recommended for adults aged 19 to 64 years who are considered at risk because of certain medical conditions or who have a history of smoking. In this at-risk age group, those with asthma; diabetes; heart, liver, lung, or kidney disease; HIV/AIDS; and certain medical conditions including any condition requiring immunosuppressant therapy, solid organ transplant recipients, cerebral spinal fluid leaks, cochlear implant recipients, and immunocompromising conditions should receive PPSV23 and/or PCV13.10 However, this article focuses on the 65-and-older population, as pneumococcal vaccination status is part of preventive measures set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for the Medicare Shared Saving Program.The CDC recommends that whenever possible, PCV13 be administered before PPSV23 in those aged at least 65 years.Regardless of previous history of pneumococcal vaccines, the CDC recommends that after age 65 years, adults should receive only 1 dose of PPSV23, with no additional doses needed.

What barriers affect vaccination uptake in primary care?

The lack of vaccinations in this population is multifactorial. Patient-related barriers include lack of vaccine awareness, skepticism about vaccine effectiveness and safety, belief that the vaccine is unnecessary, fear of vaccine adverse effects, and lack of provider recommendation. Patients may also have a misconception that the vaccine will not be covered by insurance (private or medicare), leaving them to pay out of pocket. These identified patient barriers often result from lack of education; therefore, patient outreach is essential and PCPs must raise awareness and offer vaccine recommendations at every patient encounter.

Practice-related barriers include lack of public knowledge regarding vaccinations, inaccurate vaccine information, gaps in regular screenings and recommendations during PCP visits, high costs of keeping vaccines in stock, and payment inconsistencies with either insured provider reimbursement or decreased funding for the uninsured patient population. Increasing vaccine access for the adult population can also be challenging because patient vaccine records can be difficult to access and patients and providers may not communicate effectively about vaccination history. Providers have a limited amount of time during patient encounters and are often treating acute and/or chronic health problems, reducing time spent discussing preventative measures such as immunizations. Identifying potential barriers in practice is vital to minimizing the effect of low vaccination rates. Strategies to overcome those barriers should be individualised for each organisation, as it formulates a plan of action to increase the vaccine uptake in the population of adults aged 65 years.

How can PCPs overcome barriers?

It is well-documented that provider recommendation continues to be an important factor linked to patient vaccination uptake.To increase vaccination rates in the population of adults aged 65 years, office staff members and providers require more education and encouragement to ensure that the unvaccinated patient population is engaged. Strategies to increase the uptake of pneumococcal vaccinations require organisational changes that include instituting standing order programs, provider reminders prompted by the electronic medical record, and patient outreach reminders.

Increasing vaccination uptake starts with assessing vaccination status of all patients at every office visit, ensuring that the provider is recommending the pneumococcal vaccination and that any vaccine administered is documented in the electronic health record. In the event that an office does not stock the pneumococcal vaccines, providers should continue to assess vaccination needs and refer the patient to a provider or pharmacy that can provide the vaccine. If the patient is unsure of vaccine status, the provider, office staff, and/or patient can refer to the immunisation information system or vaccine registry, a state-based registry that records all immunisations administered by participating providers. The immunisation information system consolidates a patient’s vaccination record from varying participating providers into 1 record within a given geographical area.

Source: BBC health