‘Police yet to unravel what killed Ebonyi couple in farm’

Ebonyi state police command Sunday said the death of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Onyia-Oko was  a mystery as no sign of assassination was found on them.

Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Loveth Odah, noted that blood was only seen coming out from the ear of late Mrs. Ngozi Onyia-Oko.

Confirming  the incident to journalists in  Abakaliki, Odah  noted that the woman was four  months pregnant and that they left behind three little children with the first son that is about 7 years old.

She said: “Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Onya – Oko went to Amata Oziza farmland to farm  Thursday and  according to the DPO at Afikpo, they have a hunt already prepared in the farm that anytime they work and get tired, they will sit down there and rest.Throughout that Thursday, they did not come back home.

“According to the DPO, the family members came to the station on Friday morning reporting that Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Onyia – Oko went to the farm and did not return home. He said he had to leave everything he was doing in line with our mandate of safeguarding lives and properties and rushed with them to the farmland. To his greatest surprise, the couple was lying down side by side peacefully as if they were sleeping. He touched them and found out that they were already dead.”