Police arraign 7 for intercepting call log of Ebonyi ex- commissioner

Police in Ebonyi state Thursday, arraigned Seven persons for unlawfully assessing call log of one chief Donatus Aja.

They were arraigned before the Federal High Court sitting in Abakaliki on three counts charges boarding on conspiracy.

 The suspects however, pleaded not guilty to the crime.

In a case file No: FHC/AI/41c/2020, they were charged for conspiracy and unlawfully interception under cyber Crimes Act.

They were accused of using illegal electronic means to extract information and data from Donatus Aja’s phone.

The charge reads, “That you Ekuma Joseph Egwu ‘M’, Obila Titus  Nwachi ‘m’ , Francis Obila Egwu ‘m’ , Emmanuel Oko Eluu ‘m’, Emmanuel Oko Obila’m’, Joel Obila ‘m’ , Igwe Christian Ogbonnaya ‘m’ and others at large, between May 2020 and July 2020 at Amankwo Nkpoghoro Afikpo North LGA in the jurisdiction of this honourable court did conspire amongst yourselves to commit felony to wit: unlawful interception and thereby committed an offense punishable under section 516 A(1) of the criminal code Act Cap 77 Laws of Federation of Nigeria 2004.

” That you Ekuma Joseph Egwu ‘M’, Obila Titus Nwachi ‘m’ , Francis Obila Egwu ‘m’ , Emmanuel Oko Eluu ‘m’, Emmanuel Oko Obila’m’, Joel Obila ‘m’ , Igwe Christian Ogbonnaya ‘m’ and others at large, on the same date and place  in the jurisdiction of this Honourable court did internationally and without lawful authorization, intercepted by technical means, network signals from a Huawie phone bearing MTN sim number 08034514835 belonging to Donatus Ezeogo Aja ‘m’ and illegally obtained personal and private data therefrom and thereby committed an offense punishable under section 12(1) of Cyber Crime Prohibition, prevention, etc Act, Laws of Federation of Nigeria 2015.

“That you Ekuma Joseph Egwu ‘M’, Obila Titus Nwachi ‘m’ , Francis Obila Egwu ‘m’ , Emmanuel Oko Eluu ‘m’, Emmanuel Oko Obila’m’, Joel Obila ‘m’ , Igwe Christian Ogbonnaya ‘m’ and others at large, on the same date and place  in the jurisdiction of this Honourable court did by means of false pretence, induce one Umedi Surname unknown to deliver call log data of one Donatua Ezeogo Aja ‘m’ with MTN no. 08034514835 without any lawful authority nor his consent and thereby committed an offense punishable under section 12 (2) of Cyber Crime Prohibition, Prevention etc Act Law of Federation of Nigeria 2015.

The defense Counsel Barr. Okporie in an oral plea prayed the Court to grant the accused persons bail but the persecuting council barr. Eze Ndubuaku opposed the application.

According to the prosecuting counsel, the law prohibits illegal acquiring of People’s private data using an advanced technology.

The presiding judge, Justice Akintayo Aluko in his ruling granted the accused bail with condition.