Digitalization of insurance industry: NAICOM to release IT guidelines

The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) as part of its plans to raise the bar of the industry’s operations and processes to the global standard has put in place a real-time digital platform to drive the process and is presently training insurers for seamless takeoff.

Disclosing this on Thursday during a seminar organised for insurance journalists in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state, the Commissioner for Insurance, Sunday Thomas, said, the commission will soon release the Information and Technology (IT) guidelines that will standardize the industry’s digitalization process.

Thomas said the portal, which was in the works for six years, was finally concluded recently as part of ongoing reforms by the current management at the commission.

He said the new portal was such that wherever anybody is in the world, information on the nation’s insurance sector would be available to him at the click of a button.

According to him, “we will be looking at the digital world. Part of what we have done so far is the fact that our portal that was on the drawing board for over six years has been fixed. It is taking us from where we are to the next level. “We have sensitised the technical people in the industry and they have been going through series of trainings.

“The next thing we are going to do is to engage the industry with IT guidelines. It is no longer going to be historical reporting.”

The commissioner, while reaffirming that the commission would boost the recent confidence President Muhammadu Buhari reposed in the insurance sector, said this administration in NAICOM would not fail Nigerians, adding that over time, the management had been able to stabilise the commission through the cooperation of staff.