Stop wave of kidnapping in Ibarapa, Oke Ogun of Oyo now – Aseyin urges FG

The Aseyin of Iseyin, Oba Abd-Ganiy Adekunle Salaueen on Saturday called on the federal government to arrest the increasing wave of kidnapping in Ibarapa and Oke Ogun areas of Oyo state.

Oba Salaudeen made the call while speaking at the commencement of this year’s annual Oro festival at his palace in Iseyin.

The royal father said report of cases of kidnapping in Ibarapa and Oke-Ogun areas of Oyo state is now becoming prevalent and that federal government should step up efforts towards containing it.

“We laid curse on those perpetrating the heinous act and also called on the Federal government to quickly evolve solution against its spread to other areas of the State.”, he said.

On the annual Oro festival, the Aseyin said the flag-off of year 2020 Oro festival was used to pray for Gov Seyi Makinde of Oyo state to achieve success in his strides as well as indigenes of Iseyin at home and those in the diaspora.

“We have begun the traditional, ancient Oro festival as it was done before by our forefathers, we pray for good leadership, especially in Oyo State and specifically called for God’s guide and blessings for our governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde so that he will continue with his good works”.

Oba Salaudeen stressed, “We also used the occasion to pray against those involved in social vices like kidnapping which has been reported to be incessant in Ibarapa and Oke-Ogun areas.”