Delta Court restrains group from conducting elections of Isoko youths

The Delta State High Court sitting at Oleh has, in an exparte order filed on behalf of Mr. Victor Egbo and ten others, restrained Mr. Alfred Obe from conducting any election or carrying out any activity in furtherance of conducting any election into the National Executive Council (NEC) of the Isoko National Youth Assembly (INYA).

The order of interim injunction, which was issued by Honourable Justice C. O. Emifoniye on Wednesday, September 2, 2020, also stated that the case, with suit No. HCO/M/11/2020, is adjourned to October 7, 2020, for reports of settlement or otherwise adjourned to 30th October, 2020 for hearing of the outstanding motions/preliminary objection.

Earlier, Obe, who styled himself as the grand patron of INYA, had constituted a nine (9) man electoral committee headed by one Mr. Lucky  Akpoghelie to conduct elections for Isoko youths into the NEC offices of INYA on September 20, 2020.

Egbo has, however, said that, being the pioneer president of INYA, he is the legitimate grand patron according to the constitution of the body.

He, therefore, approached the court to seek justice and prayed the presiding judge to restrain Obe and its electoral committee from conducting any election into offices of INYA.

In his ruling, the presiding Judge, Honourable Justice C. O. Emifoniye said, “all the parties and their respective agents and privies are hereby restrained from conducting any election or carrying out any activity in furtherance of conducting any election into the Isoko National Youth Assembly until the said date.”

By this order of interim injunction of the court, the elections into offices of INYA and all pre-election activities being carried by the Electoral Committee constituted by Mr. Alfred Obe have been suspended till further notice.