My take away from the COVID-19 pandemic by Ihuoma Okorie

Across the world, major disease outbreak continues to be a significant risk which often comes with individual and economic repercussions. Particularly, the virus, Covid-19, which was discovered in December, 2019, has infected millions of people around the world.

In Nigeria, the virus walked in comfortably like a gallant soldier on the twenty-seventh of February, 2020 precisely in the body of an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan, Italy to Lagos. Thenceforth, the pandemic began to spread like wild fire through the entire country. Like every other phenomenon that rears its ugly head, disrupts the affairs of a country, and leaves its lessons, Coivid-19, though still very much around like a new bride who has come to stay, has revolutionized the thinking and actions of many and has birthed the neologism “the new normal”, simply suggesting that everyone has to acclimatize regardless of whether they like it or lump it. Interestingly, polices and decisions were promulgated by the powers to help contain the spread of the virus.

With emphasis one of the measures put in place was confining people to their homes, some unable to source for their daily bread came up with the clause, “e better make covid-19 kill us than make hunger kill us”. This led to the flouting of the measures put in place. In fact, people became more desperate as further measures were reeled out; resulting to the set back of many activities however, the light is that it came with its own advantages both for individuals and the society. Thus, it can be said that despite the challenges, it has innovatively changed a lot of things.

Therefore, my first take home from this pandemic is the realization that freedom is luxury. I have never been confined and really didn’t know the importance of the freedom that I had been enjoying before the lockdown. Hence, I have taken into account the fact that freedom should never be taken for granted as it is said to be the oxygen of the soul thus, the need to be grateful for freedom and choicefully decide on the things that really matter in life.

Secondly, another germane take away that has consistently walked stealthily behind me daily is the certainty that having an alternative source of income is not luxury but a necessity. More importantly, that one’s only source of income can be terminated at any point in time. As regards the above, it should be noted that so many people got the axe thus; I learnt that there is no limit to the number of extra income ventures that one should create. In fact, the worst hit were mostly private school teachers, most of whom, had no alternative source of income. Thus, as we continue to live in the post covid-world I will suggest that the closing time for private school teachers be reconsidered, to afford them the opportunity of delving into profitable ventures like learning a skill, which can help them generate fund, if such is encountered again in the future.

Sequel to the above, another major take away that this pandemic has taught me is the need to plan more, to be more prudent and have a very good saving culture; some didn’t have savings that they could fall back to hence, the awareness that I should never to compromise my savings and to be diligent with as it would be of great help in times of need. In fact, I became careful with my choices and difficultly imbibed the habit of purchasing only my needs. Interestingly, practical wisdom for day to day living was displayed by many whom I knew; in all, the lesson learnt is that one should never use his ten fingers to eat because when the monthly take home stopped coming, people found it very difficult to survive. Therefore, people should learn to spend what they have after saving and not save what they have after spending.

A further take home from this pandemic for all and sundry is the need to recognise that one’s immediate family is all that one has got. When the whole town was locked down, the only place people could go back to were their families’ hence, the need to treat family members with the highest respect and care. For instance, I noticed around me that there was an increased rate of domestic violence during the lock down because the routine and ritual for most married couples had been leaving the home early, returning late, eating dinner, consummate, go to church/mosque etcetera. However, during the lockdown, they now had to be together for every minute of the day hence, it became so unbearable for some as they had seldom stayed together with their spouses. It exposed inadequacies even though some took corrections and made amends, others who could not bear it resorted to violence.

This aptly buttresses the fact that for everyone, your immediate family is King. Therefore, my take home from this point is the fact that my family must be my priority, hence the need to strive and create a good home either as a man, woman or even a child.

Still, another pertinent take home lesson is the fact that whatever one finds oneself doing during the Covid-19 break is what such a person will likely do at retirement; for some people, the home was tiring to them during the break while some others utilized their time and ventured into profitable endeavours; in fact, despite the lockdown, some still rose with the sun and slept with the moon. This suggests that whatever one’s covid life was like is possibly how such a person’s life will be at retirement; those that were busy during the break are likely to be busy even when they retire or leave their paid jobs while those who were frustrated are likely to experience same at retirement. With specific emphasis on health, this pandemic has further taught me to practice proper hygiene and also be more careful and active in practicing sanitation and healthcare. Thus, it has helped instill self-hygiene and ways to prevent being infected among the multitude.

Particularly, I also came to understand the fact that even in a period of crisis; one must be investment wise by learning to think on one’s feet and investing in businesses that will generate funds. This is often achieved by searching for opportunities and how to solve problems around one. For instance, when face masks became expensive and scarce, I began to teach people online how to make their home made face mask. With this, I can say that the pandemic helped improve my online, (virtual calls), trade engagement as against physical calls. Thus, I learnt to observe the situation on ground, discover the needs of the people around and uncover ways to solve that need, in a way that in solving them, one is also making money. Sequel to the above, this pandemic has showed the importance of people fending for themselves. Truth is, individuals must be ready to fend for themselves and desist from relying on government medically or otherwise, thus, I have learnt to take responsibility health wise, financial wise, family wise and in all areas. This is because, I came to the realization that is not actually the time to chase my tails but a time to explore all avenues and deliver the goods.

Again, an important lesson I have taken along with me is the truism that nobody is indispensible. For instance when the pandemic reared its ugly head into the Nation, every rules/laws were suspended. From church, school, market, work to wedding and any form of gathering. This actually connotes that we can do without these things albeit, temporary. Particularly, people were seen having quiet weddings in their sitting rooms and nobody took offence.

With emphasis, the importance of the unity of mind and purpose in everyone especially in eradicating the virus was brought to bare. The Co-operation of everyone in the society was and is still sought since the eradication needs the co-operation everyone. Thus, Unity of mind demands that everyone is united in achieving a goal as nothing derails the advancement of a nation like disunity. Thus, it is only with unity and co-operation of all and sundry that this virus can be eventually eradicated.

Particularly, with the pandemic, most private schools resorted to online teaching through the deployment of Zoom, Google Classroom and Whatsap. This made most schools and teachers to embrace online education, something that would never have been possible for many, if the pandemic didn’t surface; thus, making these applications the new normal for communication. Most teachers had to start looking for ways to download these applications while some others even went to the extent of going through online teachings in order to be abreast and adapt to the demands of the time, even though it has re-assessed and modified the methods of teaching. This I believe will continue and will stand the test of time as schools may begin to merge both even when proper academic activities finally resumes. Technology was/is adequately utilized as e-learning is now the new norm for the learning experience. This in turn, made teachers digital inclined. This made me to conclude that Nigerians are very quick to adapt to situations because the pandemic has forced a whole lot of people to adapt and change in virtually all aspects. Though, the changes were rapid and abrupt, people are now finding comfort in the new norm of digital learning.

Particularly, this pandemic has taught me to be adaptive and flexible as distance is not often a barrier when it comes to achieving certain things. Truthfully, I realized that a lot of things can happen without physical meetings as such, being internet savvy is one pertinent lesson which the pandemic has taught me especially when one considers the fact that the world is already going digital hence, the utmost need to revolutionize and adapt to the changes of time as it has led to technological advancement in communication virtually in all fields. Even more, I have come to understand the fact that a lot of things we do to show affection are not really necessary for instance shaking of hands, hugging and the likes as one can show affection without all these.

Lastly, one other pertinent take home is the fact that it forced me to appreciate more, the roles of those in the forefront of this pandemic like the nurses and doctors. Honestly, I value them more because I have come to understand the importance of good health and its equality to life. All in all, it is germane that these lessons and many more be taken into account by people living in the post Covid world as it can be said to be the best thing since sliced bread. This is not the time to console oneself with self pity hence the African proverb, “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything”. Take responsibility!

Ihuoma Okorie
[email protected]