Digital economy: Pantami, Kashifu and the digitisation move

Last two months, Nigeria’s Digital Economy journey has again recorded another unprecedented boost in the first quarter of 2020, as Information Communication Technology (ICT) contributed 14.07 per cent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GPD), higher than its contribution in the year 2019, and 13.32 per cent in the preceding quarter, in which it accounted for 13.12 per cent. MUBARAK UMAR writes.

Under the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, ICT is increasingly being recognised as the key enabler in promoting knowledge-based economic growth, creating jobs and providing access to information and knowledge in Nigeria.

Information and knowledge

Access to information and knowledge is stimulating Nigeria’s economic growth by creating new products, increasing productivity and promoting new commercial and administrative methods. Virtual meetings and conferences by government officials and private sectors amid Coronavirus pandemic is a clear indication that the call of the Minister and Agencies supervised by the Ministry is yielding to a positive result.

NITDA’s development strides

Many of youths all over the country, view with awe the indefatigable efforts of NITDA in developing and regulating Information Technology in Nigeria to our own benefit; though the primary mandate of the policy implementing arm of the ministry of communications and digital economy, but the zeal, selflessness and ardour with which its leadership goes about achieving it is commendable.

Information Technology is a phenomenon that relates more to youths than the old folks though benefitting both. It has over the years provided information and knowledge to a great percentage of Nigerian youths. The information and knowledge gained are used to give employment in either Government or Industry. Any administrator, worth his onions, uses his good offices to ensure that the people he is meant to serve benefit immensely from his wealth of knowledge and experience.

Paucity of funds

When faced with a high number of people to serve and a paucity of funds such an administrator is compelled by circumstance to look at a demographic group to serve. In Nigeria, where youths constitute more than 70% of the population (with 43.87% of us between 0-14 years–according to Projections of Latest United Nations Data) the astute administrator’s attention will definitely tilt towards that group.

Informing youths

Both the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami and the Director-General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Mr Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi (part of the youthful population themselves) go round the clock to make sure youths are not only sufficiently informed and given adequate IT knowledge, but, also become potential employers.

In this millennium where information technology plays a pivotal role in economic development, the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy is working tirelessly to deepen the knowledge and involvement in the digital world. The Agency believes that to develop and regulate information technology and transform Nigeria into an IT driven economy with a high level of digital literacy, the youths must be mobilized and motivated.

Scholarship scheme

To achieve this, the ministry through NITDA established a scholarship scheme for Masters and Doctorate degrees in relevant areas of information technology obtainable from Nigerian Universities. The minister and the director-general have never left a single stone unturned in ensuring that Nigerian youths are not left behind in this scramble for IT knowledge. They have been fighting for grants for digital solutions to enhance IT delivery. They believe and rightly too that information technology is the key enabler in promoting knowledge based growth, greatest job creator and the most available provider of access to information and knowledge.

e-Learning facilities

These heroes have succeeded in supporting the growth of the nation’s educational sector by donating e-learning facilities to many tertiary institutions in the country. Many teachers also benefited from computing facilities provided by NITDA. Apart from the provision of Digital Centres, e-learning facilities, IT community centres the duo have also built a state of the art centre in Wuye District, Abuja dedicated to students to harness, innovate and incubate their ideas for the enhancement of Nigerian economy through digital technology.

NITDA has actually succeeded in creating a data protection industry for the first time in Nigeria. Already 27 organisations have been licensed as data protection compliant outfits according to Mr. Abdullahi. He added that by this singular act they have created more than 1000 jobs and counting.

Data architecture

Data collectors within the country also have a cause to smile as NITDA is planning to unveil a data architecture that will be reflected in all data silos. This will make it easy for the integration of data between government agencies. NITDA believes that with the help of ICT, education is the most powerful tool to reduce poverty and lay the foundation for sustainable growth.

It is known the world over that IT is the greatest enabler in promoting knowledge based growth, creating jobs and providing information and these are in turn a sine qua non for the stimulation of economic growth. To achieve this tall order in a country that was far behind in information technology, the ministry, through NITDA, decided to build ICT hubs in all the nooks and crannies of the country.

Inadequate skilled manpower

Nigeria does not have adequate skilled manpower that will drive local content development and industrialisation in Nigeria, therefore IT hubs will go a long way in fostering further development of all sectors. It is part of the Agency’s to regulate and promote IT Sector Development in the country and the creation of these hubs will make the trend achievable.

Once capacity development programmes at these centres are maintained, NITDA is sure to overcome the shortage of skilled manpower and address the poor business investment climate that hampers the growth of the IT sector. The Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr. Isa Ibrahim Pantami has directed all the Agencies under his ministry to make research grants available for Nigerian start-ups to enable them embark on scientific research for COVID-19.

Covid-19 pandemic

He stated that the pandemic has actually accorded young Nigerians an opportunity to make innovations that will place Nigeria in the path to Digital Economic Development. Social Distancing and contact tracing of COVID-19 patients are key to containing the pandemic.

ICT is a perfect tool for achieving these. He pointed out that COVID-19 necessitated the fast tracking of the National Digital Economic Policy. He concluded that “ICT will play a great role in supporting contact tracing and physical distancing in the war against the virus.

There is strong conviction that the minister of communications and digital economy, and the director general of the national information technology agency, have done very well in ensuring that the ministry’s mandates are pursued vigorously and successfully achieved. In doing this they carry youths along as the backbone of the nation. We wish to celebrate them.