TUC, CSOs to hold protest next week over corruption

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) and other civil society organisations are to embark on mass protest next week over allegations of corruption in the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) and other governmental agencies.

President of the union, Comrade Quadri Olaleye, who spoke at the weekend said workers were uncomfortable with the corruption revelations in government’s establishments.

He said the workers were not happy with the federal government’s silence on the issue, hence the planned mass protest to ensure the government takes appropriate action on the allegations.

“We’ve had meetings with our state executives and other civil organisations, we are on sensitisation level now. The fight is for all of us. We can’t fold our hands for things to continue being run the way it is.

“By the second week in August, we should be able to mobilise our people to move out to start that protest. Our aim is to enforce the Presidency and anti-corruption agencies to take immediate action that would stop other people from going to that trade. They are all silent. We want to urge them to take action immediately. If action is not taken, others will see it as an opportunity.”

On the refusal of the Rivers state government to pay the recently signed minimum wage to workers, Comrade Olaleye said the congress would go to the state soon to ensure government pays with immediate effect.

He said, “Permit me to stress more on the happenings in Rivers state. All efforts to reach the governor has proved abortive. The governor has been avoiding labour and it is on the issue of minimum wage.

“I think now that the government is relaxing the lockdown, labour will also mobilise. We were supposed to embark on strike, but we suspended it because of the pandemic. Now that the situation is moving towards normal, labour can appear in Rivers state at any time to mount pressure on the governor on our demands because it is our right.”