Northwest sports directors to meet with zonal coordinator Monday

Sports directors from the seven North west states will converge on Kaduna for a meeting with the Zonal Coordinator, Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development on Monday. 
The meeting with sports directors from Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara and Jigawa states, which is at the instance of the Zonal Coordinator, Malam Idris Abdullahi, scheduled for the Ahmadu Bello Stadium Kaduna is to brainstorm on way forward for sports in the zone following the Covid-19 pandemic.
A statement signed by the Zonal Coordinator North West Zone, Idris Abdullahi, said that the meeting is billed for the ABS Media Center. “Please, kindly be informed that, necessary arrangements have been concluded by the North West zonal sports office of the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports for conduct of the above meeting.

“The aims and objectives of the meeting amongst others are; to review sporting/related activities at states and the zonal level for the year 2019. The meeting would feature presentation of  zonal sports/related calendar for the 3rd and 4th quarter of the year 2020.
“The meeting will also deliberate on and ratify the calendar of events for 2020 as well as evaluation of zonal representatives on the boards of various sports federations performances for the year 2019 and for the first and second quarter for the year 2020 amidst COVID-19.”

According to the Zonal Coordinator, they would equally look at the sponsorship drive for sporting and related activities at zonal level and generally overview the sporting/related activities proposed in the calendar.
The statement noted that the meeting is expected to be declared open by the Kaduna state Commissioner for Sports Development, Prof. Kabiru Mato.