In Ebonyi, Police arraign two for wearing MASSOB face masks

One Uchenna Innocent and Areji Emmanuel has been arraigned for wearing face masks allegedly belonging to the proscribed group known as MASSOB in Ebonyi state.
The two were arraigned on Thursday by police in the state.
The duo – Uchenna aged 36 and Emmanuel 42 years old respectively were said to have been arrested on the June 1, 2020 along Ogoja road Abakaliki.
They were arraigned on two count charges at the Abakaliki magistrate court on charge No. MAB 267c/2020.

Police investigating officer, Sgt. Nnamu Onyekachi, told the court that the offense was punishable under section 516A of criminal code Cap 33 Vol. 1 laws of Ebonyi State of Nigeria 2009.

The charge reads in parts: “That you Uchenna Innocent ‘m’ , Areji Emmanuel m’ and others at large on the 1st day of June, 2020 at Ogoja road Abakaliki in Abakaliki Magisterial District did conspired among yourself to wit: misdemeanor to commit conduct likely to cause breach of peace and thereby committed an offence punishable under section 516A(a) of the criminal  code Cap 33 Vol.1 laws of Ebonyi State of Nigeria 2009.

“That you Uchenna Innocent ‘m’, Areji Emmanuel m’ and others at large on the same day date, time, place and in the aforesaid Magisterial District did conduct yourselves in a manner likely to cause breach of peace by wearing face mask belonging to proscribed group known as MASSOB and thereby committed an offence punishable under section 249 (d) of the Criminal Code Cap 33 Vol. Laws of Ebonyi State of Nigeria, 2009.

Counsel to the accused, Barr. P.I Awoke, in his argument said his clients were Innocent and should be allowed to go about their daily businesses without further harassment from the police.

Nwusulor Anthony who was the presiding magistrate, granted the suspects bail on the condition that a grade level eight civil servant would be able to stand as surety.