Breaking: Death toll in UK jumps to 759… 14,579 cases confirmed as COVID-19 spreads

The total number of coronavirus cases in the UK has reached 14,579 with the death toll jumping to 759, it has been announced.

The number of deaths in Great Britain rose by 181, a startling jump of 31% in just 24 hours.

Across the UK there have been 113,777 completed tests with 99,198 tests coming back negative.

It comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson tested positive for Covid-19 and is self-isolating in Downing Street.

He revealed the news in a tweet earlier on Friday after developing symptoms in the last 24 hours but insisted he would continue to lead the government through the crisis.

It raises fears that other key Downing Street staff may have been exposed – and prominent members of the Cabinet.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock also revealed this morning that he developed mild symptoms of the virus and has entered isolation.

He said in a video message that he would be self-isolating until next Thursday.

“Fortunately for me the symptoms so far have been very mild so I’ve been able to carry on with the work driving forward the UK response.

He also said a “massive thank you to everybody in the NHS, working in social care and right across the board on the response”.

No 10 staff do not have to self-isolate unless they show symptoms and a Downing St spokesman said he was “not aware” of any further testing of Cabinet ministers.

Anyone showing signs of coronavirus, which include a temperature and a persistent dry cough, have been instructed to self-isolate for seven days, and everyone living in their household should do the same for a two-week period.

Mr Johnson received his test results at midnight last night after being tested late yesterday afternoon.

He will self-isolate for seven days in No 11 Downing St, normally home to the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, where a video conferencing system has been installed.